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Sara Veldhoen edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 1 revision

The configuration of DANE components is done through the DANE.config module, which builds on top of YACS. You can read about it here

The config file in ./config/config.yml is a first that you can alter for any worker's specific needs. It consists of various sections:

  • RABBITMQ holds settings for running the worker in the DANE pipeline. You don't need to bother about this when developing locally.
  • ELASTICSEARCH holds settings for running the worker in the DANE pipeline. You don't need to bother about this when developing locally.
  • FILE_SYSTEM specifies where files can be read/written. The BASE_MOUNT should refer to the root of the file system: mostly data when running locally, and /data when running in a container.
  • INPUT specifies where the worker's input can be downloaded from. Currently, we use S3 for I/O. Not strictly necessary for local development.
  • OUTPUT specifies where the worker's output can be written to. Currently, we use S3 for I/O. Not strictly necessary for local development.
  • WORKER-SETTINGS may hold any configuration that is specific to this worker, like (hyper) parameter settings.
  • DANE_DEPENDENCIES lists all the other DANE workers that this worker is dependant on.
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