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Gracefully handle timeout and network error with auto retry.

npm Package Version


  • auto retry when page.goto() timeout or encountered ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED

  • auto restart page when page.goto() crashed with /page crashed/i error

  • helper method to auto retry when failed with The object has been collected to prevent unbounded heap growth error

  • support restarting page from Browser or BrowserContext instance

  • support wrapping existing Page instance

  • proxy frequently used methods

  • create Page instance lazily (on-demand)


npm install graceful-playwright

You can install the package with yarn, pnpm or slnpm as well.

Usage Example

More usage examples see: example.ts and core.spec.ts

import { GracefulPage } from 'graceful-playwright'

let browser = await chromium.launch()
let page = new GracefulPage({ from: browser })

let lines: string[] = await page.autoRetryWhenFailed(async () => {
  await page.goto('')
  return await page.evaluate(() =>
    Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a'), a => a.href),
console.log('lines:', lines)

await page.close()
await browser.close()

Typescript Signature

import { Browser, BrowserContext, Page, Response } from 'playwright'

export class GracefulPage {
    public options: {
      from: Browser | BrowserContext
      page?: Page | Promise<Page>
       * @default 5000 ms
      retryInterval?: number
       * @default error => console.error(error)
      onError?: (error: unknown) => void

  fork(): GracefulPage

  getPage(): Page | Promise<Page>

  restart(options?: Parameters<Page['close']>[0]): Promise<Page>

  /** @description optimized version of page.close() */
  close: Page['close']

  /** @description graceful version of page.goto() */
    url: string,
     * @default { waitUtil: "domcontentloaded" }
    options?: Parameters<Page['goto']>[1],
  ): Promise<Response | null>

  autoRetryWhenFailed<T>(f: () => T | Promise<T>): Promise<T>

  /** @description proxy method to (await this.getPage())[method] */
  evaluate: Page['evaluate']
  waitForSelector: Page['waitForSelector']
  fill: Page['fill']
  click: Page['click']
  content: Page['content']
  title: Page['title']
  innerHTML: Page['innerHTML']
  innerText: Page['innerText']


This project is licensed with BSD-2-Clause

This is free, libre, and open-source software. It comes down to four essential freedoms [ref]:

  • The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose
  • The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish
  • The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others