This project is used for workshop purposes and contains examples of (hopefully) good practices for bash scripting.
Source: scripts/ and scripts/
The point: Debugging is hard in bash.
Assignment: Find the bugs.
Source: scripts/
The point: You can do similar things in different ways in bash.
Assignment: Try out the different ifs and explain the differences, when to use, and what you prefer.
Source: [include/ include/](bash-tutorial/blob/master/include/ include/
The point: Reduce complexity, enhance testability, and reusability.
Assignment: Go through the functions and try to understand them. Write your own function. How can you run the functions directly from the command line?
Source: include/ (functions: _is_snapshot, _startServers, _find_version_from_pom and _delete)
The point: Understand the differences between a return value and a return status.
Assignment: Revisit the functions and explain what the different functions return (values and/or statuses)
Source: scripts/
The point: Understand a common pitfall when using return values.
Assignment: Comment in the echo statement in the function and see what happens. Why?
Source: scripts/
The point: Understand a common pitfall when using return statuses.
Assignment: Why do the two statements return different statuses?
Source: include/
The point: Understand reusability by sourcing other files.
Assignment: Write a function in a file and include and use it in a script.
Source: [include/ scripts/](bash-tutorial/blob/master/include/ scripts/
The point: Understand how you can debug your scripts without executing "dangerous" commands. Understand the -x, the -u, and the set -e set +e constructs.
Assignment: Write debugging for a function or script where it is lacking.
Source: scripts/ [scripts/ include/](bash-tutorial/blob/master/scripts/ include/
The point: Understand how you can write your own logging framework.
Assignment: Write logging configuration to switch between logging to file and stdout.
Source: tests/
The point: Example of how you can syntax check and run all your tests.
Assignment: Make a test fail. Make syntax checking fail.
Source: tests/
The point: An example of how you can unit test bash functions using the && and || operators.
Assignment: Write a unit test. Is this readable?
Source: bashUnit/ tests/ tests/
The point: An example of how you can unit test bash functions using asserts.
Assignment: How does assertEquals differ from the assertTrue in e. g. jUnit? Write an assertTrue function and a test that uses it. Is this more readable?
Bonus assignment: Write an assertArrayEquals function and a test that uses it.
Source: The project tree.
The point: Understand convention over configuration and why it is important to put different types of files in different places.
Assignment: How would you organize your files when you have specific scripts for different projects residing in different folders.
Source: scripts/
The point: An example of how you can package your app.
Assignment: Package your app. What is the result?
Source: scripts/ scripts/
The point: These scripts are not very testable.
Assignment: Make the scripts testable.
Rerun - a simple command runner that turns loose shell scripts into modular automation.
Contact me:
Twitter: @steinim