This repository a solution for a Disbursement process. It was made using Elixir - local - and Postgres - under Docker
- Clone this repository to your local
- Copy
file to.env
and fill in the requested environments variables - all related to the docker address and user/password to access the db - Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate the database
mix ecto.setup
- Start the server with
source .env && iex -S mix run
When the server starts, a process that runs every 24h will be on
But as the database is empty - and I didn't automatize the process to upload the csv from Orders
and Merchats
, we need to call this process using the console
To import the orders.csv, run:
To import the merchants.csv, run
To manually run the disbursement process, run
- but, as I mentioned, this process will run one time every 24 hours
There's only few test cases implemented
To run it you should do
MIX_ENV=test mix test
Despite working with Elixir for the last year and a half, I had never built a project from scratch. I thought this would be a great opportunity since I have enjoyed working with this technology. The process of setting up the project from scratch was quite laborious, a little more than I expected to be honest. And that's why I left some improvements and processes out - even though they were part of what was required by the statement
Step by step:
- About csv files: My idea was to automate this import process. Before running the disbursement process, check if you have a new CSV for orders or merchants and update the database
- About process scheduling: My idea was to create a worker that would be called every X amount of time and execute the routine. Although the statement specifies the time that the result needs to be ready, I did not consider this in my solution.
- Information processing: I would like to delve deeper into the business rules to create a more interesting database. As well as working more on the processing itself including the issue of the minimum charge amount. I tried to start something but, again, due to the time invested in the exercise I didn't complete it.
- Tests: The testing part was quite poor. I needed to add many other scenarios to ensure that all business rules were implemented and working perfectly.
- Final numbers: I'm not sure here, but as I run it on 08/12/2023 - a Friday - and considering orders from before it, here is my final result: Year: 2023, Disbursements: 50, Amount Disbursed: 137752583.96, Amount Fees: 1240123.28
The end result may not be what I would like, but I found the process very interesting :)