Advent of Code is an online event created by Eric Wastl. Each year, starting on December 1st, an advent calendar of daily programming puzzles begins. Each puzzle is unlocked at midnight (EST/UTC-5). 06:00 my time (CET). Developers of all skill sets are encouraged to solve them in any programming language they choose!
This is challenging for me, but I also really really like it. I don't do these types of problems apart from the yearly Advent of Code. I also don't encounter the algorithms that are commonly used in my professional work.
Year | Language | Main solution | Link |
2024 | Go | X | Link |
2023 | Rust | X | Link |
2023 | Go | Link | |
2023 | TypeScript (Bun) | Link | |
2022 | Rust | X | Link |
2022 | JavaScript | Link | |
2022 | Go | Link | |
2022 | Lua | Link | |
2021 | Python | X | Link |
2021 | Rust | Link | |
2020 | Rust | X | Link |
2020 | ReScript | Link | |
2019 | ReScript | X | Link |
2019 | ReasonML | Link | |
2019 | Rust | Link | |
2018 | ReScript | X | Link |
2017 | Rust | X | Link |
2016 | Rust | X | Link |
2015 | Rust | X | Link |
2015 | ReScript | Link |