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Graph Algorithms Project

  • This project implements various graph algorithms in C++. The algorithms are implemented in the Algorithms class and are used to perform operations on instances of the Graph class.
  • The graph is undirected by default in the constructor, if we want to state that the graph is directed we will type Graph g(true); or use the setIsDirected method in Graph.cpp

Algorithms Implemented

  • isConnected(Graph graph): Checks if theres a vertex that can reach all other vertices.
  • shortestPath(Graph& graph, int start, int end): Finds the shortest path between two vertices using BFS, Dijkstra or Bellman-Ford algorithm, will return the path or No path found.
  • isContainsCycle(Graph& graph): Checks if the graph contains a cycle using DFS, returns any cycle there is, "0" if there isnt.
  • findCycle(Graph& graph): A helper function to find a cycle in the graph.
  • isBipartite(Graph& graph): Checks if the graph is bipartite, if so, it will return the two sets.
  • negativeCycle(Graph& graph): Checks if the graph contains a negative cycle and returns "Negative cycle detected" if there is one, and "Graph does not contain a negative cycle" otherwise.

How to Run

The project includes a Makefile for easy compilation and running of the code. Here are some commands you can use:

  • make run: Compiles the code and runs the demo.
  • make demo: Compiles the code for the demo.
  • make test: Compiles the code for the tests.
  • make tidy: Runs clang-tidy on the source files to check for code quality issues.
  • make valgrind: Runs valgrind on the demo and test executables to check for memory leaks.
  • make clean: Removes all compiled files.


The project includes a test file that contains a lot of tests to check the algorithms on directed/undirected graphs with negative weights/no weights/positive weights.