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LocoBasic - Light version of Locomotive BASIC

LocoBasic is a streamlined adaptation of Locomotive BASIC, designed primarily for calculations. It is lightweight and can run either in a browser or on the command line using Node.js. It has NO GOTO but supports a subroutine style with GOSUB. Line numbers are optional and only needed to start a subroutine or a DATA line for RESTORE

LocoBasic Links: LocoBasic, Source code, HTML Readme

Getting Started

Running in a Browser

  1. Open LocoBasic in any modern web browser.
  2. Select an example with the select box or input your own BASIC code. The code is automatically compiled to JavaScript and executed unless you switch off the "auto" checkbox.

Running with Node.js

  1. Install Node.js if you don’t already have it.

  2. Clone this repository and navigate to its directory.

  3. Run the following commands to install:

    npm i
    npm run build
  4. Run some of the following command to execute:

    node dist/locobasic.js example=euler
    node dist/locobasic.js input='print "Hello!"'
    node dist/locobasic.js input="?3 + 5 * (2 - 8)"

LocoBasic Language Description

Control Structures

  • Supported:
    • IF...ELSE
    • Loops: FOR and WHILE
  • These structures are directly converted to JavaScript for execution.


  • Use GOSUB and ON GOSUB

    • GOTO and ON GOTO are not supported
  • Subroutine Style:

    • A line starting with GOSUB <line> marks the beginning of a subroutine
    • Subroutines must end with a single RETURN on its own line
    • Important: Subroutines cannot be nested

Variable Types

  • Usually number
  • Use $ to denote a string variable
    • Variable markers like ! and % are not supported
  • No automatic rounding:
    • Integer parameters are not automatically rounded
  • Computations follow JavaScript precision
  • Operator arity and precedence match those of Locomotive BASIC

Special Notes

  • Endless Loops:
    • Not trapped automatically. Restarting the browser window may be required to recover.
  • STOP and END:
    • These halt execution only at the top level. Within subroutines, they simply return.


  • number MOD number compute the modulus
  • Comparisons: =, <>, <, <=, >, >=
  • +, -, *, /, \ (integer div), (...)
  • &hexValue, &xBinaryValue
  • String concatenation: +

Supported Commands and Functions

  • ABS(number) Returns the absolute value of number
  • ASC(character) Returns the ASCII number of character
  • ÀTN(number) Returns the arcustangens of number in radians
  • BIN$(number [, padding]) Converts a number to its binary representation
  • CHR$(number) Returns the character for the ASCII code number
  • CINT(number) Returns the integer part of number
    • same as INT
  • CLS Clears the output window
  • COS(number) Returns the cosine of number given in radians
  • DATA ["string", number,...] Defines string or numerical data to be read by READ
    • Separated by commas ","
    • Strings must be quoted
    • Numbers (including hex and binary) are unquoted and can only be read numerically
    • DEC$(number, format) Returns the number as a string formatted according to the specified pattern.
      • Only "#" and "." are supported in the format. Example: "##.###"
  • DEF FNname[(arg1, ...)] = expression Defines a function FNname
    • Can be used as FNname()
    • No space between FN and name is allowed
    • If there are no arguments, do not use parentheses
  • DIM arrayVariable(dim1 [, dim2, ...]) Initializes an array
    • Can be multi-dimensional
    • Will be initialized to 0 or "" depending on the variable type
  • END Ends execution
    • currently the same as STOP
  • ERASE variable, [variable,...] Erases array variables
    • Specify variable name without indices
  • ERROR number Throws error with number
  • EXP(number) Returns e function raised to the power of number
  • FIX(number) Truncates number
  • FOR variable = start to end [STEP increment] Control structure
    • increment can also be negative,, in which case start must be greater than end
    • Endless Loops: Not trapped
  • FRAME Pauses execution for ~50ms intervals for synchronization.
  • GOSUB line Calls subroutine starting at line
    • Subroutines must end with a single RETURN on its own line
  • HEX$(number [, padding]) Converts a number to its hexadecimal representation
  • IF expression THEN statements [ELSE statements] control structure (in one line)
  • INPUT [message;] variable Prompts the user for input (string or numeric)
  • INSTR(string1, string2) Returns the first positon of string2 in string1
    • Limitations: No support for start position as first argument
  • INT(number) Returns the integer part of number
  • LEFT$(string, number) Returns number characters from the left in string
  • LEN(string) Returns rthe length of the string
    • LocoBasic has no limitaton on the length
  • LOG(number) Returns natural logarithm for number (based on e)
  • LOG10(number) Returns logarithm for number based on 10
  • LOWER$(string) Returns string in lowercase
  • MAX(number [,number,...]) Returns the maximum of the given numbers
  • MID$(string, first [, length]) Returns a substring starting at positon first with length
  • MIN(number [,number,...]) Returns the minimum of the given numbers
  • MODE number Sets screen mode
    • Currently the same as CLS with the mode number ignored
  • NEXT Closes a FOR loop
  • ON index GOSUB line1 [,line2...] Calls subroutine at position index in the list
    • Check GOSUB for how to define a subroutine
    • Limitations: There must be a subroutine at position index in the list
  • PI Returns the value of 'pi'
  • PRINT argument1 [; argument2; ...] Outputs text and numbers
    • Arguments must be separated by ;
    • Numbers are padded with trailinng space, and leading space for positive numbers
    • Limitations: No support for TAB(), SPC(), or USING formatting. Use DEC$() to format numbers
  • READ variable Reads the next value from a DATA statement into variable
  • REM A comment until end of line, same as `
  • RESTORE [line] Resets the DATA pointer to a specified line number
  • RETURN Returns from a subroutine.
    • See GOSUB, ON... GOSUB
  • RIGHT$(string, number) Returns number characters from the right in string
  • RND(number) Returns the next pseudo-random number
    • Parameter number is ignored
  • ROUND(number [, decimalPlaces]) Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places
    • Rounding not exactly the same as with Locomotive BASIC
  • SGN(number) Returns the signum of a number (-1, 0 or 1)
  • SIN(number) Returns the sine of number given in radians
  • SPACE$(number) Returns number spaces
  • SQR(number) Returns the square root of number
  • STOP Halts the execution
    • Within subroutines, it functions as a RETURN
    • Similar to END
  • STR$(number) Converts a number to its string representation
    • A positive number is passed with a space
  • STRING$(number, character) Returns character repeated number times
    • requires the second parameter to be a character
  • TAN(number) Returns the tangens of number given in radians
  • TIME Returns the current system time in 1/300 sec
  • UPPER$(string) Returns string in uppercase
  • VAL(string) Converts a string to a number
    • supports hexadecimal and binary formats
  • WEND Ends a WHILE loop
  • WHILE expression Control structure: repeat until expression is false
  • number XOR number In Expresions: exclusive-OR


  • LocoBasic is mainly used for calculations. It runs in a Browser or on the command line with node.js
  • Control structures like IF...ELSE, and FOR and WHILE loops are directly converted to JaveScript
  • GOTO or ON GOTO are not suppoered. Use GOSUB, ON GOSUB instead. The GOSUB line is interpreted as subroutine start.
  • Subroutine style: Line from GOSUB <line> starts a subroutine which is ended be a single RETURN in a line. Do not nest subroutines.
  • Variable types: No type checking: "$" to mark a string variable is optional; "!", "%" are not supported
  • No automatic rounding to integer for integer parameters
  • Computations are done with JavaScript precision; arity and precedence of operators follows Locomotive BASIC
  • Endless loops are not trapped, ypou may need to restart the browser window.
  • PRINT: output in the output window. Args can be separated by ";" or "," which behave the same. (No TAB(), SPC(), USING)
  • STOP, END: stop only on top level, not in subroutines (where they just return)
  • STRING$(): second parameter must be a character
  • DATA: strings must be quoted; numbers (including hex, bin) are unquoted and can only be read numerical


  • MID$ as assign? a$="abcde": MID$(a$,3,2)="w": ?a$
  • command line tool should output a stand alone running JS file for node
  • Do we want keywords all uppercase? And variables all lowercase? And maybe new features with capital letter? E.g. If...Then...Else...Endif on multiple lines?
  • Create syntax highlighting for BASIC for CodeMirror, maybe similar to theamstradbasic-vscode or CPCReady extension


  • numbers with exponential notation
  • dim and other more complex commands are included on-demand in the compiled JavaScript
  • TIME: *300/1000
  • DIM, NEXT with multiple arguments
  • comments in IF: 107 IF zoom<3 THEN zoom=3: 'zoom=12
  • No JS reserved word as variables: arguments, await, [break], case, catch, class, const, continue, debugger, default, delete, do, [else], enum, eval, export, extends, false, finally, [for], function, [if], implements, import, in, instanceof, interface, [let], [new], null, package, private, protected, public, [return], static, super, switch, this, throw, true, try, typeof, var, void, [while], with, yield
  • ?hex$("3") => array hex$["3"]
  • load examples.js separately (not as examples.ts in the package)
  • separate UI from core (UI not needed for node), maybe two packages
  • ERASE var | strVar sets var=0; strVar="", not really needed, just to run such programs

Not implemented

after auto border break call cat chain clear cog closein closeout cont copychr creal cursor dec defint defreal defstr deg delete derr di draw drawr edit ei eof erl err every fill fre goto graphics himem ink inkey-$ inp joy key let line list load locate mask memory merge move mover new on openin openout origin out paper peek pen plot plotr poke pos rad randomize release remain renum resume run save sound spc speed sq swap symbol tab tag tagoff test testr troff tron unt using vpos wait width window write xpos ypos zone


mv, 12/2024


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