Monitor your iGrill (mini, v2 or v3) or Pulse 2000 (with a Raspberry Pi 1/2/3) - and forward it to a mqtt-server
This project is no longer in active development by me. I have moved on to using an ESP32 and ESPHome to connect to, and publish my thermometer to Home assistant.
- An iGrill Device (and at least one probe) - iGrill mini, iGrill 2 or iGrill 3 or a Pulse2000
- A bluetooth enabled computer - preferable a raspberry pi
- A mqtt server as message receiver
- clone this repo
- install required modules using pip (see requirements.txt)
- Create a dir for your config file(s) (E.g. ./config)
- Add at least one device config (see ./exampleconfig/device.yaml) - You need the MAC address of your device, you can find it with
hcitool lescan
- start application
./ -c <path_to_config_dir
(or add -l debug) - enjoy
Modify examplescripts/igrill.service
to mach your setup and copy it to an appropriate place. E.g: /lib/systemd/system/igrill.service
Run systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl enable igrill && systemctl start igrill
Next time you reboot, the iGrill service will connect and reconnect if something goes wrong...
- Clone this repo
- Install docker on your system.
- Create a dir for your config file(s) (E.g. ./config)
- Add at least one device config (see ./exampleconfig/device.yaml) - You need the MAC address of your device, you can find it with
hcitool lescan
- Build Docker image:
docker build . -t igrill
- Run docker image, mounting the config folder:
docker run --network host --name igrill -v <path_to_config_dir>:/usr/src/igrill/config igrill
- Profit!
If your device is stuck on "Authenticating" the following has been reported to work:
- within the file /etc/bluetooth/main.conf under [Policy] check the existence of AutoEnable=true
- Comment out below line in /lib/udev/rules.d/90-pi-bluetooth.rules by prefixing "#" the line ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="bluetooth", KERNEL=="hci[0-9]*", RUN+="/bin/hciconfig %k up"
If you are struggling with flaky Bluetooth connection. (E.g. The device connects and works for a while, then disappears) Try to test without using onboard Bluetooth and WiFi at the same time. Either with a cabled Ethernet connection or with a separate WiFi or Bluetooth dongle.