The CommonJS module syntax is one of the most widely accepted conventions in the JavaScript ecosystem. Everyone seems to agree that require
and exports
are a reasonable way of expressing module dependencies and interfaces, and the tools for managing modular code are getting better all the time.
Much less of a consensus has developed around the best way to deliver CommonJS modules to a web browser, where the synchronous semantics of require
pose a non-trivial implementation challenge. This module loader contributes to that confusion, yet also demonstrates that an amply-featured module loader need not stretch into the hundreds or thousands of lines.
From NPM:
npm install install
From GitHub:
cd path/to/node_modules
git clone git://
cd install
npm install .
The first step is to create an install
function by calling the
method. Note that all of the options described below are
var install = require("install").makeInstaller({
// Optional list of file extensions to be appended to required module
// identifiers if they do not exactly match an installed module.
extensions: [".js", ".json"],
// If defined, the options.fallback function will be called when no
// installed module is found for a required module identifier. Often
// options.fallback will be implemented in terms of the native Node
// require function, which has the ability to load binary modules.
// Boolean flag indicating whether the installed code will be running in
// a web browser.
// List of fields to look for in package.json files to determine the
// main entry module of the package. The first field listed here whose
// value is a string will be used to resolve the entry module. Defaults
// to just ["main"], or ["browser", "main"] if options.browser is true.
mainFields: ["browser", "main"],
The second step is to install some modules by passing a nested tree of
objects and functions to the install
var require = install({
"main.js"(require, exports, module) {
// On the client, the "assert" module should be install-ed just like
// any other module. On the server, since "assert" is a built-in Node
// module, it may make sense to let the options.fallback function
// handle such requirements. Both ways work equally well.
var assert = require("assert");
// This require function uses the same lookup rules as Node, so it
// will find "package" in the "node_modules" directory below.
); =;
node_modules: {
package: {
// If package.json is not defined, a module called "index.js" will
// be used as the main entry point for the package. Otherwise the
// exports.main property will identify the entry point.
"package.json"(require, exports, module) { = "package";
exports.version = "0.1.0";
exports.main = "entry.js";
"entry.js"(require, exports, module) { =;
Note that the install
function merely installs modules without
evaluating them, so the third and final step is to require
any entry
point modules that you wish to evaluate:
// => "/main.js"
This is the "root" require
function returned by the install
function. If you're using the install
package in a CommonJS environment
like Node, be careful that you don't overwrite the require
provided by that system.
If you need to change the behavior of the module
object that each module
function receives as its third parameter, the shared Module
is exposed as a property of the install
function returned by the
var install = makeInstaller(options);
var proto = install.Module.prototype;
// Wrap all Module.prototype.require calls with some sort of logging.
proto.require = wrapWithLogging(proto.require);
// Add a new method available to all modules via module.newMethod(...).
proto.newMethod = function () {...};
Many more examples of how to use the install
package can be found in the