PHP wrapper for the Co-op Bank API at for the sandbox only.
Support for Production API will be coming soon!
composer require bennito254/co-opconnect
Initialize the Bank class with Consumer Key, Consumer Secret and Production environment as arguments
$bank = \Bennito254\CoopBank\Bank($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $env = 'sandbox'); //or live
$accountNumber = "36001873000";
$messageReference = "Randomstr1ng";
$balance = $bank->account()->balance($accountNumber, $messageReference);
$messageReference = "Randomstr1ng";
$fromCurrency = "KES";
$toCurrency = "USD";
$rate = $bank->account()->exchangeRate($messageReference, $fromCurrency, $toCurrency);
$messageReference = "Randomstr1ng";
$accountNumberToCheck = "36001873000";
$rate = $bank->account()->validation($messageReference, $accountNumberToCheck);
$mpesa_destination = [
'ReferenceNumber' => 'Rand0mStrseing',
'MobileNumber' => "0716483805",
'Amount' => 10,
'Narration' => 'Awesome sendoff'
$response = $bank->sendMoney()->sendToMpesa('36001873000', 'newRandomString', '', 'KES', 10, $mpesa_destination, 'Send to Bennito');
$pesalink_destination = [
'ReferenceNumber' => 'Rand0mStringss',
'AccountNumber' => "54321987654321",
'BankCode' => "11",
'Amount' => 10,
'TransactionCurrency' => 'KES',
'Narration' => 'Awesome sendoff'
$response = $bank->sendMoney()->pesalinkSendToAccount('36001873000', 'newRandomString', '', 'KES', 10, $pesalink_destination, 'Send to Bennito');
$account_destination = [
'ReferenceNumber' => 'Rand0mStringasss',
'AccountNumber' => "54321987654321",
'Amount' => 10,
'TransactionCurrency' => 'KES',
'Narration' => 'Awesome sendoff'
$response = $bank->sendMoney()->accountToAccount('36001873000', 'benniastweo23', '', 'KES', 10, $account_destination, 'Send to Bennito');
$simulation = [
'MessageReference' => 'jkgasjkfgsaf',
'MessageDateTime' => '2020-04-06T10:19:07.100Z',
'ServiceName' => '',
'NotificationCode' => '',
'PaymentRef' => 'REF000012323',
'AccountNumber' => '823547857835434',
'Amount' => "12000.00",
'TransactionDate' => '20190301165420',
'EventType' => 'DEBIT',
'Currency' => 'KES',
'ExchangeRate' => '1',
'Narration' => 'Supplier payments',
'CustMemo' => [
'CustMemoLine1' => '785347855 75',
'CustMemoLine2' => '',
'CustMemoLine3' => ''
'ValueDate' => '20190301',
'EntryDate' => '20190301',
'TransactionId' => '8963478382745'
$response = $bank->sendMoney()->INSSimulation($simulation);
$accountNumber = '36001873000';
$messageReference = 'randomString';
$bank->statements()->miniStatement($accountNumber, $messageReference);
$accountNumber = '36001873000';
$messageReference = 'randomString';
$startDate = "2020-03-01";
$endDate = "2020-04-01";
$bank->statements()->miniStatement($accountNumber, $messageReference, $startDate, $endDate);
$accountNumber = '36001873000';
$messageReference = 'randomString';
$numberOfTransactions = "10";
$bank->transactions()->accountTransactions($accountNumber, $messageReference, $numberOfTransactions);
$messageReference = 'ExistingRandomString';
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