These projects were completed for Practicum's Data Scientist professional training programs.
Project name | Description |
Data Preprocessing | Your project is to prepare a report for a bank’s loan division. You’ll need to find out if a customer’s marital status and number of children have an impact on whether they will default on a loan. The bank already has some data on customers’ credit worthiness. Your report will be considered when building a credit score for a potential customer. A credit score is used to evaluate the ability of a potential borrower to repay their loan. |
Exploratory Data Analysis | You're an analyst at Crankshaft List. Hundreds of free advertisements for vehicles are published on your site every day. You need to study data collected over the last few years and determine which factors influence the price of a vehicle. |
Statistical Data Analysis | You work as an analyst for the telecom operator Megaline. The company offers its clients two prepaid plans, Surf and Ultimate. The commercial department wants to know which of the plans brings in more revenue in order to adjust the advertising budget. |
Integrated Project 1 | You work for the online store Ice, which sells video games all over the world. User and expert reviews, genres, platforms (e.g. Xbox or PlayStation), and historical data on game sales are available from open sources. You need to identify patterns that determine whether a game succeeds or not. This will allow you to spot potential big winners and plan advertising campaigns. |
Data Collection and Storage | You're working as an analyst for Zuber, a new ride-sharing company that's launching in Chicago. Your task is to find patterns in the available information. You want to understand passenger preferences and the impact of external factors on rides. Working with a database, you'll analyze data from competitors and test a hypothesis about the impact of weather on ride frequency. |
Introduction to Machine Learning | Mobile carrier Megaline has found out that many of their subscribers use legacy plans. They want to develop a model that would analyze subscribers' behavior and recommend one of Megaline's newer plans: Smart or Ultra. |
Supervised Learning | Beta Bank customers are leaving: little by little, chipping away every month. The bankers figured out it’s cheaper to save the existing customers rather than to attract new ones. We need to predict whether a customer will leave the bank soon. |
Machine Learning in Business | You work for the OilyGiant mining company. Your task is to find the best place for a new well. |
Integrated Project 2 | Prepare a prototype of a machine learning model for Zyfra. The company develops efficiency solutions for heavy industry. The model should predict the amount of gold recovered from gold ore. |
Linear Algebra | The Sure Tomorrow insurance company wants to solve several tasks with the help of Machine Learning, and you are asked to evaluate that possibility. |
Numerical Methods | Rusty Bargain used car sales service is developing an app to attract new customers. In that app, you can quickly find out the market value of your car. You have access to historical data: technical specifications, trim versions, and prices. You need to build the model to determine the value. |
Time Series | Sweet Lift Taxi company has collected historical data on taxi orders at airports. To attract more drivers during peak hours, we need to predict the amount of taxi orders for the next hour. Build a model for such a prediction. |
Machine Learning for Text | The Film Junky Union, a new edgy community for classic movie enthusiasts, is developing a system for filtering and categorizing movie reviews. The goal is to train a model to automatically detect negative reviews. |
Computer Vision | The supermarket chain Good Seed would like to explore whether Data Science can help them adhere to alcohol laws by making sure they do not sell alcohol to people underage. |
Final Project | Interconnect is looking to predict users that are planning to leave their service. If it's discovered that a user is planning to leave, they will be offered promotional codes and special plan options. The goal of this project is to create a model that will best predict the users that plan on leaving Interconnect. |