Pandoc+XeLaTeX template for Hylleraas Centre letter
This needs Pandoc at least 2.2.1 and XeLaTeX. You write
the letter in Markdown
specifying fields and settings in the YAML header.
An example is in the example
For those who don't want to use Pandoc, a LaTeX template (letter.tex
) is also prodived.
The example letter is generated with this YAML header:
name: Jabba
surname: The Hutt
city: Tromsø
- Hylleraas Centre
- UiT -- The Arctic University of Norway
- Tromsø, Norway
- Captain Beefheart
- Department of Chemistry
- Furtheraway University
- 25600 Tatooine
- Galaxyfaraway
# Settings
mainfont: TeX Gyre Termes
altfont: TeX Gyre Heros
monofont: Fira Code
lang: en-US
papersize: a4
fontsize: 11pt
geometry: left=35mm, right=35mm, top=50mm, bottom=25mm
letterhead: true
signature: signature.png
customdate: 2018-04-25
- Curriculum vitae
- PhD thesis