you can use this to crop a big image to span over multiple monitors.
test with big-ol-fella.jpg, it's just a lazy midjourney image blown up with gigapixel.
- hyprland
- hyprpaper
- nodejs
- imagemagick
node ./hyprpaper-span.js [optional: args] [image]
// don't just create the images, apply them using hyprpaper
// delete the images after you've applied them to the screen
--monitors="{result of hyprctl monitors -j}"
// if you don't supply this it'll just run "hyprctl monitors -j"
// if you aren't using hyprland I guess you can craft this yourself..
// probably needs to be an absolute path. defaults to current directory
--offsets='{"x":[0-1], "y":[0-1]}'
// offsets='{"x":0.5, "y":0.5}' will center the image (monitors in offsets.json currently does nothing)
node ./hyprpaper-span.js ./big-ol-fella.jpg --apply --rm
node ./hyprpaper-span.js ./big-ol-fella.jpg --apply --outputPath=/home/me/Wallpapers/bigOlFella
node ./hyprpaper-span.js ./big-ol-fella.jpg --apply --offsets='{"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}'
node ./hyprpaper-span.js ./big-ol-fella.jpg --apply --offsets=$(cat offsets.json | jq -c)