This is a project to automate various aspects of a school using Arduino boards and sensors. The system can control lighting, climate, and access to different parts of the school. Video
This project starts at May 2022, when in Spain the 2n year students of "batxillerat" (the last grade before the university in Spain) had to make a TDR project (Research project), my tutor proposed me the idea of automating the classrooms of the institute to seek better efficiency. I and other 2 classmates accept that challenge, and we start working at this. And that's it, finally we can finish the project.
The project consist in 2 parts, the web, in which you can control the classes, and the Arduino, the microprocessor who control and obey the orders and petitions of the web. This project is based in the classes, and we utilize 3 Arduino, one of this, control de access in the class, with a fingerprint detector and an intelligent knob, the second one, connect the light of the class into the Arduino and send the information with Bluetooth to the main Arduino, who has the sensors of temperature, humidity, and presence, that last one also have an IR sensor who can open on close the devices of the class. With a Wi-Fi module send the information in a SQL database and then, on the web, we can read and modify that information.
The following features are included in the system:
- Enter in the classes with a RFID Card or Digital Actilar, this feature can control the time that the teachers arribe and left the classes and when the acces is correct the light will be open automaticly.
- In the App you can control de state of the light and see if there were on or off, when the acces control was true the light turn on automaticly, and if the movement detector don't detect students or teachers the light turns off.
- The climate management system will automatically control the temperature and humidity of the school. If it detects that the temperature or humidity is below certain thresholds, the fans and humidifier will be activated, respectively.
To develop this project you need:
- x1 Arduino Mega
- x1 Humidity Sensor (DHT11)
- x1 Motion Sensor (PIR)
- x1 Green LED
- x1 ESP-01
- x1 IR Sender
- x1 Arduino MEGA
- x1 Fingerprint Dtector
- x1 RFID Detector
- x1 ESP-01
- x1 Green LED
- x1 Red LED
- x1 Button
- x1 Relé
- x1 Arduino UNO
- Relé
- Tuya Switch (Relé in case that the class don't have wifi switches)
- Firstly, you need a domain and a hosting with the possibility to update 2 databases. You can find one free here
- Update the databases and the files
- Upload the database credentials access in the file ...
- Upload the web files in the hosting
- Mount the Arduino with the schemas (Next point)
- Update the Wi-Fi credentials, and the web information
- Upload the files in to the Arduino
We published the 3D models for you, to bring you the oportunity to printed with a 3D Printer.
If you have any questions or comments about the project, please feel free to get in touch with the development team through the following channels:
- Email:
- Twitter: @bepescode
- Discord: !Bepe$#6207
- Uriii
We would like to thank the following people and organizations for their support and contribution to the project:
- @electronoobs, for the idea of the code who send the Arduino information to the database and the foots of the project.
Main Case Door Case Reles Case
Login Page Main Page Control Page Information Page Sensors Page
Users Database Clases Database
- Finally a video to see how it works that project --> video
- Project of electronoobs
- Provably this project has some bugs that we don't have time to fix or not a good structure, if you have any suggest contact me. I leave this project finished. Thanks for read this.
- The document about the project in catalan (maybe in a few time in english)
© Bepes-code 2022