For this project, I applied Object Oriented Programming (OOP) principles to build a CRUD API to manage a car/bikes dealership. This will be done using the MongoDB database through the Mongoose framework.
I built a dockerized back-end using data modeling through Mongoose queries to a Mongo database. The development respected the business rules provided in the project and the API is capable of being consumed by an already Rest API Client.
In this project, I also implemented the concepts of TDD, SOLID in addition to the organization of the project in MSC layers.
To run the repository locally, clone the project and use the following commands to initialize Docker and install the dependencies:
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it trybers_and_dragons bash
npm install // to install the dependencies
npm run dev // to execute the app and enable the api to receive requests in any Rest API Client, like Thunder Client
docker-compose down // to completely stop the application
Run all the tests created for the Model, Controller and Service layers:
npm run test
Check full test coverage:
npm run test:coverage