I added more cosmetic items for Lethal Company(v45) MoreCompanyCosmestics(v1.7.2) mod by @notnotnotswipez
axehat, axehat2, christmasgiftbox, cowboyhat, cowboyhat2, cowboywomanhat, crown, pajamahat, plagueblackleatherhat, plagueblackleathermask, plaguebrownleatherhat, plaguebrownleathermask, showercap, sombrerohat, trafficcone, vikinghelmet
axeaccessory, hammer, hoe, pickaxe, scythe, spade, hatchback1988, sedan, tank-t54, pumpkin, vikingshield, rustyknife, pipewrench, stethoscope
fantasyaxe, fantasyshield, policecop, policeshield, policeshieldblue, policeshieldcheese, policeshieldplain, romangladius, romanshield, romanshield2, romanshield3, skullshield, vikingshield2
baseballbat, roughaxe, roughdagger, roughdaggerblue, roughdaggerred, tank-t90, ak47riflemodded, ak74mrifle, battleaxe, grenade, m1a1submachinegun, pistol, builderstorchorange, builderstorchyellow, flashlight, flashlightgolden
Cowboy Hats
Plague Leather Masks & Hats
Stucked Axes on Head
Christmas Gift Box, Crown, Pajama Hat, Shower Cap, Sombrero Hat, Traffic Cone, Viking Helmet
Tool Set Accessories
Vehicles (Hatchback 1988, Sedan, T-54 Tank)
Viking Shield
Rusty Knife, Pipe Wrench, Stethoscope
Viking Shield 2
Skull Shield
Fantasy Axe and Shield
Roman Shields and Gladius
Police Shields and Cop
Baseball Bat
Rough Knives
T90 Tank
Weapons (AK47 Rifle Modded, AK-74M Rifle, M1A1 Submachine Gun, Pistol, Battle Axe, Grenade)
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.