Bitcoin Runner is a 2D Platformer Game which is developed with Unity game engine. I started to prototype in 2018 with Unity 2017 version. Then I have started to develop this project from my Hezarfen project baseline, and added new power-ups, changed player controller to run in the street and jump over the cars, and upgraded its UI system to Unity's new UI system. I have added a simple Daily Word game mechanic which allows you to collect letters of published daily words. Players can collect each letter to complete the word, and list the completed words from the menu. Also, I have developed some scripts to implement GoogleMobileAds, GooglePlayGames, and Firebase Analytics APIs.
Some advice for newbies, I generally used the Singleton Pattern in this project. But I don't recommend this method to anyone because of the lack of testability. I plan to use ScriptableObject for the next project. You can find a detailed usage of this feature in this video (
With this codebase, maybe you can find something what you need or new ways to implement your ideas or change all images with your image set, and publish your game. If you earn a lot of money with this codebase unlike me, you owe to share some interesting or useful scripts as open source to improve our community.
You can open the project with Unity 2017.4.40 LTS version.
You can find the published game on
If you have any question about the project, you can contact me from
Bitcoin Runner is licensed under the MIT Open Source license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.