This project enables the execution of various artificial intelligence models and stores the prediction results in a database.
Prediction results are saved based on the logged-in user and the model used. The database schema is illustrated below:
You need to compile Spring Boot without database test.
cd backend
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Navigate to the project directory and execute the following command:
docker-compose up --build
If you don't use ARM processor you should use docker-compose-amd.yml file.
Step 1: Open a new terminal and connect to the PostgreSQL container. Then, create a backup folder:
docker exec -it postgres bash
mkdir /backup
Step 2: In another terminal, copy the backup file to the PostgreSQL container:
docker cp database/backup/backup.sql postgres:/backup/backup.sql
Step 3: Switch back to the PostgreSQL terminal and restore the backup:
psql -U postgres -d tf_serving -f /backup/backup.sql