Welcome to my goals of 2018. My primary goal is to become a software engineer. Whether it happens this year or not, I want to make it a point to be a better engineer than I was the day before. I'm going to continue the CS-WD guide from last year. Besides the guide I plan to always work on one side project at a time.
Besides my primary goal I plan to continue building strength in powerlifting, move to another state, get a job in that state, get the MTA software fundamentals certificate, start and think about finishing the BS software development degree from WGU by the end of this year, and try to clean up my diet (maybe?? AYCE Sushi FTW).
-Current: Getting Sassy with Sass
-Current Project: Landing Page for Time Sheet App
-Courses Completed: 2
Total Points earned: 1760
Date Finished | Activity | Points | Links/Description |
01-05-2018 | project | 100 | Tower of Hanoi Solver |
01-02-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
01-04-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
01-06-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
01-09-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
01-11-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
01-13-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
01-16-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
01-18-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
01-18-2018 | foundation | 500 | Microsoft MTA: Software Development Fundamentals |
01-30-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
02-01-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
02-03-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
02-06-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
02-08-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
02-10-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
02-12-2018 | project | 100 | Random Quote Generator |
02-14-2018 | foundation | 100 | Python in Visual Studio Code |
02-15-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
02-17-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
02-21-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
02-23-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
02-24-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
02-28-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
03-02-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
03-03-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
03-07-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
03-09-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
03-10-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
03-15-2018 | foundation | 10 | Powerlifting training session |
03-15-2018 | foundation | 500 | How to Code: Simple Data |
03-15-2018 | project | 200 | Space Invaders |
- Project: Landing Page
- Course: Effective Thinking Through Mathematics
- Book: Setting Up ES6Setting Up ES6
- Book: JavaScript Allongé, the "Six" Edition
- Course: Getting Sassy with Sass
- Project: Build an online Towers of Hanoi solver
- Course: How to Code: Simple Data
- Course: How to Code: Complex Data
- Course: Software Construction: Data Abstraction
- Course: Software Construction: Object-Oriented Design
- Software Engineering: Introduction
- Book: DOM Enlightenment
- Project: Simon Game from the frontend section of FCC
- Project: Complete all Classic Puzzles - Easy on CodinGame in JavaScript
- Course - Programming for the Web with JavaScript on edX or M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers on MongoDB University (or both, your choice)
- The FCC Backend Certification - all projects, ignore the tutorials and just read the official docs if you want.
- Course: Calculus One
- Book: JavaScript Design Patterns
- Project: Clone this landing page
- Course: Mathematics for Computer Science
- Article: Read Algorithms and Flowcharts and then familiarize yourself with Pencil ... start flowcharting complex portions of your code logic as part of your documentation
- Project: Clone this Admin template using React, Angular, or Vue
- Book: Think Java - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- Book: Open Data Structures
- Course: Algorithms, Part I
- Course: Algorithms, Part II
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Qualification Round 2015
- Project: Clone the front page of this website modifying it to highlight a different product or industry. Make special note of the secondary navigation bar at the top. Implementing that is the highlight of this project.
- Course: UX Design for Mobile Developers
- Course: Android Development for Beginners
- Project: Build the Pomodoro project from the FCC frontend curriculum - as an android app
- Book: Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming
- Course: Software Testing
- Course: Software Debugging
- Project: Clone the Netflix interface using React, Angular, or Vue - pulling data from the Movie DB API or an API in a backend you create yourself.
- Course: Calculus Two: Sequences and Series
- Project: Complete all Classic Puzzles - Medium on CodinGame in JavaScript
- Course: Software Architecture & Design
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Round 1A 2015
- Book: JavaScript Spessore - no longer available - use Programming JavaScript Applications instead.
- Project: Clone this blog template - note that there are multiple pages
- Course: Databases
- Course: Agile Software Development
- Project: Complete all ES6 Katas here
- Course: Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Round 1B 2015
- Project: Build FaceBook: yes, all the functionality. See here for a list of requirements you should fullfill.
- Course: Intro to Theoretical Computer Science
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Round 1C 2015
- Course: Introduction to Probability - The Science of Uncertainty
- Project: Write the CSS Necessary to create your own 12 column based grid layout - see here for an example
- Course: Linear Algebra - Foundations to Frontiers
- Project: Complete all Classic Puzzles - Hard on CodinGame in JavaScript
- Course: Cryptography I
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Round 2 2015
- Course: Cryptography II
- Project: Clone Twitter - yes, all the functionality
- Course: Computer Architecture
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Round 3 2015
- Course: Introduction to Cyber Security
- Project: Complete all Classic Puzzles - Very Hard on CodinGame in JavaScript
- Course: Computer Graphics
- Course: Artificial Intelligence
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam World Finals 2015
- Course: Machine Learning
- Project: Design, implement, test, and deploy a game that is playable on the web, using the technologies of your choice. The only criteria are that it be playable online, and that it inculde a substantial AI component.
- Course: Operating Systems and System Programming
- Project: Create a node module that will convert markdown to properly formatted html
- Course: Compilers
- Course: Introduction to Natural Language Processing
- Project: Clone Learn Harmony
- Course: Computer Networks
- Course: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming
- Project: Complete all problems from all rounds of the Distributed Google Code Jam 2015 - scroll down to the appropriate section
- Project: Clone Slack - the functionality should be complete to the point that one user can create a room, invite other users, and all users of that room can real-time chat. The room should be secure and inaccessible to anyone but those invited.
- Project: Create an npm module that bootstraps a fullstack application, with Node.js on the backend, and the SPA library/framework of your choice on the frontend. Include a full test suite and comprehensive build processes. Publish it to NPM.
- Project: Complete all problems from all rounds of the Google Code Jam 2016 - scroll down to the appropriate section
- Project: Extend your CSS grid framework to include the CSS and JavaScript required to implement 5 to 10 material design components
Activity | Points for completing | Activity type |
Basic Project | 100 | project |
Substantial Project | 200 | project |
Large Project | 300 | project |
Gigantic Project | 400 | project |
Duolingo or MosaLingua (1 level) | 100 | foundation |
Book | 200 | foundation |
Tutorial site (Udemy/Pluralsight/Egghead/Treehouse/etc) course | 100 | foundation |
University level course (Coursera/edX/MITOCW/etc) | 500 | foundation |
Physical Activity (30 minutes) | 10 | foundation |
Musical Instrument Practice (30 minutes) | 10 | foundation |
Khan Academy (30 minutes) | 10 | foundation |
Analytics Vidhya Competition | 50 | data-science |
Crowd Analytix Competition | 50 | data-science |
Kaggle Competition | 50 | data-science |
Driven Data Competition | 50 | data-science |
Blog Post on any topic | 15 | communication |
Blog Post Tutorial | 40 | communication |
Video Tutorial | 50 | communication |
Open Source PR | 50 | communication |
Module to npm | 200 | communication |
Team Up for a project | 100 | communication |
Diary entry | 5 | communication |
CodeWars (10 problems) | 50 | algorithms |
CodinGame (1 Tier) | 100 | algorithms |
CodinGame (1 Bot Competition) | 20 | algorithms |
HackerRank (10 problems) | 50 | algorithms |
Google Code Jam (1 round from past contest) | 100 | algorithms |