Phaserito is a template to boost any Phaser.js game development. Phaserito can help you with your starting project structure and build process.
Phaserito is heavily based on the work of Nestor Hernández (Phasercito) and on top of the amazing Phaser.js framework by Richard Davey of Photonstorm. You can find Phaser on github and contact Photonstorm via Twitter or on the Phaser forums.
- NPM to install dependencies
- Webpack and Gulp manage the automated build process with bundling and sourcemaps. Production-ready with dedupe and uglify webpack plugins.
- ES6 via traceur
- Webpack Dev Server to provide a local server with livereload
- Phaser Debug as a debugging tool for the dev server
- Localtunnel to work as a localtunnel for the dev server
- Bluebird to work with Promises
- LESS loader for LESS compilation to CSS
- Gulp Imagemin for automated image optimization using pngquant
- Gulp Zip for zipping as a Cocoon-ready package
- AudioSprite to create and work with audiosprites
- HttpPlease for all Http requests
- Console Polyfill for older IE browsers
- Karma Test runner
- Karma-webpack Karma adapter for webpack
This section is still a WIP
- Volume manager documentation
- Mute buttons documentation
- Music director documentation
- Fullscreen component
- Ads manager component
- Orientation component
- Dialogs component
- Google Analytics component documentation pending
- SD and HD automatization component
This section is still a WIP
- Config documentation
- Build documentation
- Dev server documentation
- Game structure: boot, loading, menu options and play documentation
- Aspect ratio documentation
- Scale documentation
- Image optimization documentation
- Cocoon build documentation
- Atlases documentation
- Audiosprites documentation
- Webcam proposal
You will need to first install Node.js
Git clone Phaserito.
git clone
Go to the project folder and install all the dependencies using NPM:
npm install
You are now ready to run Phaserito for the first time! just type:
Run the test
gulp test
Test driven development
gulp tdd
Software complexity with plato
gulp plato
- ShoeBox to create spritesheets and atlases for pixi.js
- TexturePacker alternative to ShoeBox