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libbtaps Documentation and Examples

Ivan Fossa Ferrari edited this page Jan 29, 2015 · 3 revisions


Establishing Connection, getting device name, then disconnecting

You can either use the with syntax, or simply call connect/disconnect.

Example 1:

import btaps.libbtaps as libbtaps

# Bluetooth Device Address for your PS-BTAPS1
bdaddr = "00:00:00:00:00:00"

with libbtaps.BTaps(bdaddr) as btapsobj:
    name = btapsobj.get_dev_name()

print name

Example 2:

import btaps.libbtaps as libbtaps

# Bluetooth Device Address for your PS-BTAPS1
bdaddr = "00:00:00:00:00:00"

btapsobj = libbtaps.BTaps(bdaddr)
name = btapsobj.get_dev_name()
print name

Turning Switch ON/OFF

import btaps.libbtaps as libbtaps

with libbtaps.BTaps("00:00:00:00:00:00") as btapsobj:
    # ON

    # OFF

Creating a timer

import btaps.libbtaps as libbtaps

# Create a timer object with ID 1 and named Example Timer
timerobj = libbtaps.BTapsTimer(1, "Example Timer")

# Set timer to repeat on Mondays
timerobj.set_repeat_days(mon = True)

# Set timer to start at 10AM
timerobj.set_start_time(10, 0)

# Set timer to end at 4PM
timerobj.set_end_time(16, 0)

# New timers default to OFF, toggle timer ON

with libbtaps.BTaps("00:00:00:00:00:00") as btapsobj:
    # Send timer information to device and create new timer

Modifying existing timer

import btaps.libbtaps as libbtaps

with libbtaps.BTaps("00:00:00:00:00:00") as btapsobj:
    # Get saved timers and on/off information
    on, timer_list = btapsobj.get_switch_state()

    # timer_list is a list of all timers in device. Here we are just selecting the first timer on the list
    mod_timer = timer_list[0]

    # Stop timer from repeating on Mondays, set it to repeat on Tuesdays
    mod_timer.set_repeat_days(mon = False, tue = True)

    # Send modified timer back to device

More Examples

For more usage examples, please look at

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