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A tool to improve the time when taking all kind of notes from your works, studies and thougts.


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A less-do-more program to take your notes quickly before you forget them.

It also compiles in LaTeX for your Lab-Book/research history. :-)

Basic usage

Git integration

LaTeX compilation

Configuring on first use

Example output

You can see this example and others with Logbuch generated data in this repository.


Logbuch is a command line tool aimed to quickly take notes while you're closer to a terminal.

Logbuch works handling any markup input format files (such as Markdown, HTML, etc). Each of these files is treated as a Subject and is where the notes are taken. Logbuch groups many Subjects inside their Projects, as defined by the user.

Each Subject content is converted from its input format to the output format defined by the user and then becomes a content as defined by the user inside its Project.

def: By default, Logbuch will convert from pandoc's Markdown to LaTeX. However, it's possible to set input and output formats for pandoc conversion.

Table of Contents


As I am pursuing the scientific career, I have noticed that small, but no less important, information are lost quickly while doing daily tasks. Such information can be the separation point between doing unnecessary rework and starting a new day at the next step.

So, I saw that writing concise information, that one can remember without struggling the mind to know what that is supposed to mean, is a huge time improvement. For instance: remote meetings tasks, deliberations and agreements; internet how-to's; papers sentences that one used as reference for one's work or procedures; detailed notes of one's work issues and methodology; thoughts and impressions that one consider important to remember later on; etc.

Besides, I felt that writing them as fast as one can just open one's text editor at any working directory is the point to not forget them.


  • Creation, edition, save, deletion and listing of Subjects
  • Creation, deletion and listing of Projects
  • Creation, edition and compilation to LaTeX
  • Integration with git
  • Bash completion
  • Conversion from Markdown to LaTeX
  • Want more? Feel free to ask desired features as stated here.


Logbuch is written with setuptools, as it's aimed to be easy to install.

Warning: Logbuch was only tested at Linux environments (Ubuntu specifically), so if any issues occur on your installation, please let me know.

Warning 2: Logbuch will append an eval command to your user's shell starter script in order to activate autocompletion. At this moment, just .bashrc is supported. After installing, it will work on your next login.


Logbuch depends on:

  1. Python 3.7 or newer
  2. Pip3
  3. Click
  4. Whichcraft
  5. pypandoc
  6. Python3 venv
  7. Pandoc *
  8. Any text editor callable from terminal 1
  9. Any LaTeX compiler callable from terminal 2
  10. LaTeX dependencies !

Make sure you have installed requirements 1,2,7,8,9 before proceeding to next installation steps. Else requirements should be handled by setuptools itself.

1 Commonly used are: vi, vim, nano, emacs, gedit.
2 I would strongly suggest latexmk for this purpose, since it was the best in my tests.
* Latest version recommended. I recommend downloading from the GitHub's release, as the apt package is not yet updated (at the time of writing this README).
! If you are converting to LaTeX, you will probably face problems with dependencies at the compilation step. For the default templates, I strongly recommend you to install the following packages: biber (for bibliography usage), texlive-latex-extras, texlive-fonts-recommended, texlive-fonts-extra, texlive-bibtex-extra and texlive-base.

Automated install

Beforehand, you must get your files:

$ git clone
$ cd logbuch

To install Logbuch in a virtual environment, i.e., that works like a container, use as follows:

$ source ./

Or, if your python3 command in PATH does not correspond to version 3.7 or higher:

$ PYTHON=<python command> source ./

# for instance:
$ PYTHON=python3.7 source ./
# or
$ PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.7 source ./

To install Logbuch system-wide, use script as follows:

$ ./
# or
$ PYTHON=<python command> ./

Manual install

After installing all dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd logbuch
$ python3 -m pip install .

Warning: You may notice the last command may not work even after installing python3.7 or higher. In order to solve that, just export prepending your newer python command to PATH. You may also create an alias or a symlink for it. There are many resources on the web to solve this problem.


After installing Logbuch, it will use its default configuration, that is stored at ~/.logbuch/conf.cfg. You can edit it at any time using the -c option.

The default configuration file is as follows:

projects_folder = /home/user/logbuch_projects
active_project = default
editor = vi
extension = .md
pdf_cmd = latexmk -pdf -silent logbuch_file, latexmk -c -silent
g_auto_commit = True
ignore_dir =
pandoc_from_format = markdown
pandoc_to_format = latex
pandoc_extra_args = --biblatex,--listings

In parts:

  1. projects_folder
    It's the full path to where all Projects will be stored as well as the compiled LaTeX output. I strongly suggest it to be a git repository, as you will probably care about the history of your notes.

  2. active_project
    It's the name of the active Project that Logbuch uses to create new Subjects. You should not care about this parameter, just don't let it empty because Logbuch will emit an error message and you should select or create one through -p option.

  3. editor
    It's the command which Logbuch calls when you use any edition option. The command just needs to accept a file name as argument. This is not a problem, since the majority of command line text editors follows this rule.

  4. extension
    It's the extension used on all Subject text files. Logbuch does not discriminate which one is used. Just be advised that it saves and reads using the same extension, so do not change it without refactoring your old files extension.

  5. pdf_cmd
    It's the full command used to compile your Subjects in a LaTeX document. You can pass any arguments to your LaTeX compiler. Just make sure that your command is the first space-ended string after the = and that it has logbuch_file, as this is where the input .tex file will the replaced. You may also separate multiple commands with commas. For instance, the default command will compile to LaTeX and then clean the unnecessary files in output directory.

  6. g_auto_commit
    It's a flag. If it results in True1, Logbuch will do a git add and git commit every time you change a Subject, else it will do nothing. This is an optional config entry. Default is True.

  7. ignore_dir
    This field accepts a comma separated sequence of directories inside you Projects folder that Logbuch must ignore at any step. Be aware that hidden directories (that starts with .) are already ignored by Logbuch.

  8. pandoc_from_format
    It's the input format to be sent to pandoc's --from option. Default is markdown.

  9. pandoc_to_format
    It's the output format to be sent to pandoc's --to option. Default is latex.

  10. pandoc_extra_args
    It's a sequence of comma separated arguments and options to be sent to the last pandoc call (the final compilation step).


1 This field may handle many inputs and result as True or False. Please take a look at Python's ConfigParser doc.


The basic usage of Logbuch is creating/opening a Subject inside the active Project. In order to do that you must type:

logbuch subject name with how many words you want

This command will open your text editor with that Subject content. It will create an empty file if it's a new one. A predefined header is also created in YAML format in a file with the same name but starting with . (so it's hidden from standard file managers) in the same folder as the Subject content file. More details in this section.

If you want to open your last edited Subject inside the active Project, just type Logbuch without any argument:


If you want to access a Project or a Subject that starts with a - or want to safely pass arguments to the -g/--git interface option, you must pass -- right after your first option. For instance:

logbuch -- --subject -starting--- with -dashes
logbuch -l -- -project --starting-- -with- dashes
logbuch -g -- commit -m "A safely passed commit"

As stated in config parameter G_AUTO_COMMIT, every time you change any Subject file, if Logbuch is in auto commit mode, it will try to add and commit that Subject. In order to work, Logbuch expects that there is a git repository inside your Projects root folder.

-rm/--remove option

This option is used to delete any Subject and its header inside the active Project. It requires an argument that must be the Subject name. It will prompt your confirmation to delete.

logbuch -rm subject name with how many words you want

-p/--proj option

This option will list your Projects and give you a number of options to set one Project as active or delete it with its contents. The * sign represents which Project is active now.

logbuch -p

If you pass an argument to this option, Logbuch will create an Project if it does not exist and set it as active. Be aware that this must be one of your first steps while setting Logbuch up for the first time.

logbuch -p name of your project

-l/--list option

This option lists the content of your active Project if no argument is passed.

logbuch -l

With arguments, it accepts the name of any single Project you have in your Projects folder and prints its Subjects. It may also accept the string all and print the contents of all Projects. As in -p, * sign represents which Project is active now.

logbuch -l name of your project
logbuch -l all

-mk/--make option

Using this option without arguments makes it compile the active Project and save the LaTeX data as <project_name>.tex and <project_name>.pdf.

logbuch -mk

You may also pass a Project name, so Logbuch will compile only it with its contents, or pass all as argument and Logbuch will compile the content from all Projects you have. (In the later case, outputs will be named all.tex and all.pdf.)

logbuch -mk name of your project

All outputs are saved in your Projects root folder and are named with your Project name followed by .tex and .pdf for the compilation output (by default). Feel free to edit these files as you wish.

If you have an existing .tex file with same name as output, Logbuch will prompt you if you want to overwrite it, so you can just recompile a previous .tex version.

For more detailed explanation about compiling steps, please read this section.

-g/--git option

Warning: Bash Completion is not working properly with this option when a git's option is typed after the --. I made a Pull Request for Click developers in order to solve this. As soon as possible I will update this.

This option is just a convenience to use git inside your Projects root folder without walking into it. In order to use it properly, you must pass double dashes -- right after -g/--git, else Logbuch will understand any dash-started string as another option.

This option works redirecting all arguments received to your git command in PATH. For instance, if you want to check your repository status:

logbuch -g status
logbuch -g -- status

To use this option, Logbuch expects your Projects root folder to be a git repository. You can, however, create a new one using Logbuch by just typing:

logbuch -g init
logbuch -g -- add --all
logbuch -g -- commit -m "First commit."

This option does just call git plus the arguments you passed. I would suggest you to check the wrapper code and git integration code if you are not feeling safe to use it.

-c/--conf option

This option opens the configuration file ~/.logbuch/conf.cfg in your text editor, so you can edit it by hand. The parameters were deeply discussed at configuration section.

-h/--help option

Finally, you can always use the -h/--help option to get information about Logbuch options.


  • Subject and Project names are allowed to have space. Their leading char will always be capitalized and the remaining lowered. Underscores will be converted to spaces. They cannot start with a . because they will be ignored by other Logbuch functions.
  • Logbuch may handle cases that are not discussed in this README. If you get any trouble using Logbuch, please, let me know.
  • Any dash-started string will be treated as an option if you do not use the double dash -- separator. You shall use it right after the first option.

Pandoc conversion

As Logbuch aims to be an easy-to-use and portable program, pandoc showed to be the best tool for text conversion, as it allows you to write your notes in many markup languages and convert them to many others.

For the default procedure defined by me when developing Logbuch, I made all tests and integration with pandoc's markdown as input format and latex as output one. If you try to use any other format, please let me know whether it worked and what problems you faced through an issue.

Besides that, Logbuch uses pandoc at three different steps before compiling to LaTeX.

  1. Subject conversion
  2. Project conversion
  3. Whole document conversion

Each of these steps uses the logic: pandoc template + pandoc YAML + user written content = pandoc converted output. Deeply detailed information about templates and YAML metadata blocks can be found here.

  • pandoc template is a file where you describe the structure of your output text. pandoc accepts variables and replace them by their definition at pandoc YAML.
  • pandoc YAML is a file consisting of YAML blocks that define variables used in pandoc template
  • user written content are all text written outside these two files above and that is written in the pandoc_from_format to be converted.

Subject conversion

Each Subject that is created or edited through Logbuch automatically creates a YAML header with default variables used by the default Subject template. This header is created with the same name as the Subject prepending a dot . to it. Therefore it's a hidden file that Logbuch (yet) does not handle and you must edit it manually. This header is saved in the same path as its Subject.

If you want to use other than the default template, you must save your own template at the Projects folder and name it .subj.template.tex (don't forget the initial .).

Also, you can add any variable following the YAML syntax and use them in the template, as pandoc defines in its documentation.

Logbuch will compile individually each Subject with the same template and append their output to the final buffer.

This step of conversion happens for each Subject read.

Default template philosophy: Each Subject is thought as a chapter of a book in the LaTeX terminology.

Project conversion

Each Project will have a copy of the default Project YAML named .proj.yaml inside it. The same process described for Subject will be done. However, each Project output will come before all of its Subjects.

If you want to use other than the default template, you must save your own template at the Projects folder and name it .proj.template.tex.

This step may not have a body entry in your YAML or template files, as there is no content for them editable by Logbuch (yet).

This step of conversion happens at the beginning of each new Project read.

Default template philosophy: Each Project is thought as a part of a book in the LaTeX terminology. So they will be the higher sectioning in your Lab-Book.

Whole document conversion

After filling the buffer with all the previous conversions content, Logbuch will call pandoc with a completely structured template at this step.

At this point, there will be no more unconverted Subject in the pandoc_from_format format. So, this is roughly just a 'amalgamation' and restructuring step.

Logbuch will get all metadata written at .meta.yaml in your Projects root folder and append all the buffer content to it. This content will be, thus, the body variable inside the final template.

Then, Logbuch will call pandoc passing that metadata+body to the final template and generate the output in, e.g., .tex format.

The default template is a slightly modified version of an user contributed template Eisvogel. It's a good idea to read its entire documentation and original template if you want to edit the default metadata file or even create your own template. It's not that hard, but you may invest some of your time learning how it works.

If you want to use other than the default template, you must save your own template at the Projects folder and name it .proj.template.tex.

I'm glad to receive any design tips, as I'm not that good and I know the default template should have improvements.

Issues and desired features

Report any issues you may find at the repository Issues page.

If you wish any new feature to be added in Logbuch, please, do not hesitate to let me know it! Use the Issues page and tell me what you want. :-)

All criticisms and suggestions are very welcome!


  • @bertolinocastro
    Just the author of Logbuch.

  • @waltercostamb
    Mentor and author of a brilliant workshop showing all purposes of doing Lab-Book at the Academy and her structured and logic way to deal with her research annotations. For more in-deep information, check her Lab-Book repository.


© Bertolino

Licensed under the MIT License


A tool to improve the time when taking all kind of notes from your works, studies and thougts.







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