Middleware that augments Ring requests and responses with JSON support.
To use this libary, add the following to your Leingingen :dependencies
[bk/ring-json "0.1.0"]
The wrap-json
middleware will typically be applied to your
application handler as below.
(ns app.core
(:use [ring.middleware.json]
[ring.middleware params
(def app
(-> handler
The middleware will parse the body of JSON requests and
makes the JSON key-values available to your routes through the json-params
keys on the request headers.
;; For the request:
(def original-req
{:server-port 80
:server-name "localhost"
:remote-addr ""
:uri "/users"
:scheme :http
:request-method :post
:content-type "application/json"
:headers {"content-type" "application/json"}
; :body will be exposed to your routes as an InputStream
:body "{\"name\":\"John Doe\",\"age\":40,\"gender\":\"M\"]}"})
;; Your routes will see:
(def modified-req
{:server-port 80
:server-name "localhost"
:remote-addr ""
:uri "/users"
:scheme :http
:request-method :post
:content-type "application/json"
; ***
:headers {"content-type" "application/json"
"json-params" {"name" "John Doe" "age" 40 "gender" "M"}
"params" {"name" "John Doe" "age" 40 "gender" "M"}}
; ***
; :body will be exposed to your routes as an InputStream
:body "{\"name\":\"John Doe\",\"age\":40,\"gender\":\"M\"]}"})
The middleware will also convert String and ISeq responses to the appropriate JSON representation.
;; String response
(defn string-handler
{:status 200
:headers {}
:body "This is a string"}) ;; => {:status 200
;; :headers {"content-type"
;; "application/json"}
;; :body "\"This is a string\""}
;; Vector response
(defn vector-handler
{:status 200
:headers {}
:body ["This is" 1 "vector"]) ;; => {:status 200
;; :headers {"content-type"
;; "application/json"}
;; :body "[\"This is\",1,\"vector\"]"}
;; Map response
(defn map-handler
{:status 200
:headers {}
:body {:name "John" :age 40}) ;; => {:status 200
;; :headers {"content-type"
;; "application/json"}
;; :body "{\"age\":40,\"name\":\"John\"}"}
Copyright © 2013 Bertrand Karerangabo
Distributed under the MIT License (see LICENSE).