Binding to gapi
"gapi" (for Google API) is a library that implements JavaScript client methods and attributes that can be used to implement Google Sign-In in a web application.
You can use opam by pinning the repository with:
opam pin add gapi
to compile your project, use:
dune build @install
See Google Sign-In JavaScript API for more details
The optional argument ux_mode
is a string that represents the "User
eXperience" that can be lived when using function form Gapi (mainly
the function for the consent flow). There is only two modes of "UX", to
impose that into this library you will have to use this type that can
take those values only:
| Gapi.ux_value Popup (for "popup" value)
| Gapi.ux_value Redirect (for "redirect")
In practice, if the ux_mode
is on popup
mode, then the Gapi
function will be executed as a popup on the same page were the function
was called. In the other hand, if the ux_mode
is on redirect
the Gapi function will be executed after a redirection of the user to
another page, you can change the default redirection uri with the
optional parameter redirect_uri
in functions that use ux_mode
This function load the Google APIs platform library to your application, you should call it before to use any other "Gapi" function into your code.
See more details in API documentation
Initializes the GoogleAuth object. You must call this method before calling gapi.auth2.GoogleAuth's methods (methods that have a
argument). When you initialize the GoogleAuth object, you configure the object with your OAuth 2.0 client ID and any additional options you want to specify. Then, if the user has already signed in, the GoogleAuth object restores the user's sign-in state from the previous session.
Source: Gapi AST
This function takes a single argument of type client_config
. A
is composed of a required argument and a series of
optional arguments:
° `client_id`-> string : is the required argument, it represents
the app's client ID
° `cookie_policy` -> string : The domain for which to create
cookies. Either a URI, "single_host_origin", or
"none". It's default value is "single_host_origin" if unspecified.
° `scope` -> string : The scope to request, as a space-delimited
string. !!! This value is optional only if "fetch_basic_profile"
is set to false !!!
° `fetch_basic_profile` -> bool : Adds 'profile', 'email', and
'openid' to the requested scopes when "true". It's basic value is
"true" when unspecified
° `hosted_domain` -> string : Indicate the G Suite domain to which
users must belong to sign in. !!! You must request the 'email'
scope when using this parameter if "fetch_basi_profile" = false !!!
° `ux_mode` -> Gapi.ux_values : See the corresponding section above.
° `redirect_uri` -> string : This parameter is applied only if
"ux_mode" = Redirect, see the section *Type `Gapi.ux_values`*.
Source: ClientConfig AST
It returns a result of type googleAuth
that can be used for other
functions (see section "How to use a googleAuth
result" below)
This module is mainly used in order to have a way to execute the
promise returned by the function Gapi.then_
, the function
can be used if you want, for example, a function
that indicates if the function is in a state onInit
or in a state
after an execution for a given user.
The types user
and error
give a precision about the Obj.t
used in
argument for the callbacks of the promise.
contains info about the "user" of the account that connects using
You can use Gapi.User_promise.then_
by giving a Gapi.User_promise.t
as argument, that you obtain with the function
. Gapi.signIn
takes a result of Gapi.then_
For example with a callback called "wakeup":
let _ = Gapi.load ~client:"auth2" ~callback:(fun _ -> wakeup ()) in
let init = Gapi.auth2_init (Gapi.client_config ~client_id:"test" ()) in
let auth = Gapi.then_ ~onInit(fun usr -> wakeup (Ok usr))
~onError:(fun msg -> wakeup (Error msg)) in
Gapi.User_promise.then_ (Gapi.signIn auth) (fun c -> wakeup (Ok c)) (fun
msg -> wakeup (Error msg))
This type represents the response object returned from the user's auth
session, you can get the authResponse
of a given user with the
function Gapi.getAuthResponse
Gapi.getAuthResponse : User_promise.user -> ?boolean -> unit
The optional boolean argument "includeAuthorizationData" specifies whether to always return an access token and scopes or not. It default value is "true" and in this case the access token and requested scopes are not returned.
An authResponse
object has several values accessible with this library:
Accessible with Gapi.id_token
, this "string" value represents the ID
token granted.
[...TODO add other authResponse values...]
Like said above, the function Gapi.auth2_init
returns a googleAuth
that type can be used as an argument in order to use some functions that
are linked to the object.
This is the main use of a googleAuth
, this function takes 2 "callbacks"
in parameters: "onInit" and "onError". It returns a promise that will
calls the onInit
function when the GoogleAuth
object is fully
initialized or the "onError" function if an error is raised while
Gapi.then_ init
~onInit:(fun auth -> wakeup (Ok auth))
~onError:(fun msg -> wakeup (Error msg))
This module Lwt
provides alternatives implementations of Gapi
functions that return a promise of a result, under the form of _ Lwt.t
This version of the load
function can't receive a callback argument,
because it is used in order to wakeup a thread in a wait state.
This version of the then_
function takes only one argument of type
, the onInit
and onError
functions are used in order to
provide a promise of result.
This function returns an object Ok auth
if the execution of then_
works or an object Error msg
if the execution of then_
fails, you
can use this result in your program to differentiate cases of failure
or success.
let init = Gapi.auth2_init (Gapi.client_config ~client_id:"id" ()) in
let%lwt auth = Gapi.Lwt.then_ in
match auth with
| Error msg ->
print_endline ("Failed with code error: " ^ msg)
| Ok token -> (
This function is a combination of Gapi.auth2_init
and Gapi.Lwt.then_