This is a deployment based on taiga-docker ( // Tag: 6.0.4 ) with LDAP-support.
It is deployed without exposing ports because it is intended to be deplyoed behind an SSL NGINX webserver.
It is also intended to make use of an existing mail-server & LDAP over TLS.
The docker-compose-file also contains the configuration for binding the infrastructure to another docker networks containing the mailserver & the webserver.
If you dont want to make use of some properties, just remove them from docker-compose.yml
The LDAP & email properties are commented out & you need to add them by yourself in docker-compose.yml
& .env
& docker-compose
are required.
Clone this repo and change into it
git clone
cd taiga
If you want to make use of LDAP you need to add the LDAP-configuration to the Taiga-Backend. In this deployment the taiga-back Docker-image is customized.
The build-process of the custom-image adds a small routine to the entrypoint-script which adds the LDAP-config during the initial container startup.
Build taiga-bakend with LDAP
cd ldap
docker build -t taiga-back .
cd ..
# Change the image-tag of taiga-back in docker-compose
sed -i 's/image: taigaio\/taiga-back:latest/image: taiga-back/g' docker-compose.yml
Create a file .env
for adjusting the config. You can use .env.example
as template.
The whole configuration is done with adjusting.env
& docker-compose.yml
Just adjust it & replace the example values with your desired properties.
docker-compose up -d