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    RT-Extension-TimeTracking - Time Tracking Extension

    Works with RT 5.0. Check 0.1* versions if you are using RT 4. Also
    supported in RTIR 5.0.3 and later.

    perl Makefile.PL
    make install
        May need root permissions

    make initdb
        Only run this the first time you install this module.

        If you run this twice, you may end up with duplicate data in your

        If you are upgrading this module, check for upgrading instructions
        in case changes need to be made to your database.

    Edit your /opt/rt5/etc/
        Add this line:


    Clear your mason cache
            rm -rf /opt/rt5/var/mason_data/obj

    Restart your webserver

  Configure Custom Fields
    This extension installs two transaction custom fields to track time
    data: Actor and Worked Date. Since the visibility of these fields is
    very specific to your usage, no permissions are set during the install.

    You need to give all users tracking time permission to view and modify
    these custom fields. You can do this using RT's standard rights
    management by navigating to the custom fields: Admin > Custom Fields >
    Select, clicking on each one, and editing the Group Rights. You can then
    give rights to Everyone, a custom group, or any other variation that
    makes sense for your instance.

    If permissions are not set correctly on these custom fields, you will
    see strange behavior like all time being recorded on the current day
    rather than the date you select.

    RT::Extension::TimeTracking adds several features to make it easier to
    use RT to track time for you and your team as you work on tasks. These
    features include breakdowns of time by user on tickets, tracking time
    for specific days, including in the past, and a new page that organizes
    all of your time for the past week. You can find details on
    configuration in the next section.

  Entering Time
    When running this extension, you can still use all of the existing
    methods to track time in RT including editing Basics, adding time on a
    comment or reply, or even using the new ticket timer introduced in RT
    4.4. All of these will record the time and log it with a transaction at
    the current day and time.

    The TimeTracking extension adds a new feature to track a "Worked Date"
    for cases where you forgot to enter your time for work you did earlier
    in the week. For these cases, you'll see a new date field in Basics
    where you can select a date and time worked and add it directly to the
    ticket. You'll also see Worked Date on replies and comments to track to
    a different day from the day you are recording the comment.

    TimeTracking also installs a new page at Tools > My Week. This shows a
    summary of all of your time tracked for the week by day. In addition to
    showing you your week, you can track time directly on the page as well
    for whichever day you need to. You can add new tickets and time below
    each day using the ticket box. The Ticket selection box has autocomplete
    functionality, so you can just start typing something from the subject
    of a ticket to find it. And you can update tickets already in your list
    with the boxes in the Update column.

    The total hours for the week are displayed at the bottom of the page.

   Fixing Mistakes
    If you accidentally add time for the wrong day or ticket, you can
    subtract it by entering a negative value on the ticket for that day.

  Time Summary on Tickets
    On individual tickets, in addition to seeing the Add time worked boxes
    in Basics, this extension also adds a Worked section with a summary of
    the total time worked per user on that ticket.

  Viewing Other Weeks on My Week
    You can view other weeks on My Week by selecting any day in the desired
    week using the date picker at the top of the page. You can also use the
    Previous and Next links to move from week to week.

  Administrative View
    TimeTracking adds a right to allow some users to see the My Week page
    for other users and enter time for them. The right is in Admin > Global
    > Group Rights on the Rights for Administrators tab. It's labelled "Add
    time worked for other users" and should be at the top of the tab.

    Once you have this right, you'll see an addition selection box at the
    top of the My Week page for selecting a user. You can then use the
    autocomplete box to find another user and display their timesheet.

    This allows managers or similar staff to see timesheets for their team
    and also add time if another user is out of the office sick or otherwise
    can't add time themselves. All entries made by an admin user on another
    user's timesheet are recorded as entered by the admin user using the
    Actor custom field. This keeps an audit trail to avoid confusion over
    who may have added a time entry.

    The default week start day in MyWeek page is Monday, you can change it
    by setting $TimeTrackingFirstDayOfWeek, e.g.

        Set($TimeTrackingFirstDayOfWeek, 'Wednesday');

    In the ticket listings on the My Week page, there is a room for an
    additional field next to Status, Owner, etc. To display a custom field
    that might be helpful when filling out your timesheet, you can set
    $TimeTrackingDisplayCF to the name of that custom field. In the display,
    that field name will be added to the ticket heading between Owner and
    Time Worked for each day on My Week. The value will be populated for
    each ticket.

    Accepts an RT::User object, an RT::Date object and a day of the week
    (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) and calculates the start date for the week the
    date object is in using the passed day as the first day of the week. The
    default first day of the week is Monday.


    ($ret, $week_start, $first_day)

    where $ret is true on success, false on error, $week_start is an
    RT::Date object set to the calculated date, and $first_day is a string
    of the first day of the week, either from $TimeTrackingFirstDayOfWeek or
    the default of Monday.

    Accepts an RT::Date object expected to be at midnight, but probably is
    not yet because of DST, this method adjusts it accordingly. Note that
    the adjustment is inplace.

    Best Practical Solutions, LLC <>

    All bugs should be reported via email to:

    Or via the web at:

    This extension is Copyright (C) 2013-2024 Best Practical Solutions, LLC.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991