Development of an API and DATABASE for a blog using JWT for security
Blogs API build with Node.Js, Docker, Sequelize, JWT and MSC Architecture Version
Blogs API GO LANG with Docker, Sqlx, Mysql, SOLID and Clean Architecture
The users must be capable of
endpoint POST /login -> The request return status 200 and a token if login is success -> The body of the request should follow the format below:
{ "email": "", "password": "123456" }
-> The validation rules are:
the email field is mandatory;
the email field must have a valid email address;
the password field is mandatory;
the password field must be at least 6 characters long.
endpoint POST /user -> The request return status 200 and a token if user was created with success -> The body of the request should follow the format below:
{ "displayName": "Carol", "email": "", "password": "123456", "image": "" }
endpoint GET /user -> The request return status 200 and all users in database -> The request header must be contains a valid token
endpoint GET /user/:id -> Return a user according to id -> The request header must be contains a valid token
endpoint POST /categories -> Add a category. -> The body of the request should follow the format below:
{ "name": "Go Lang" }
-> The validation rules are:
the name field is mandatory;
endpoint GET /categories -> Return all categories. -> The request header must be contains a valid token
endpoint POST /post -> Add a blog post -> The request header must be contains a valid token -> The body of the request should follow the format below:
{ "title": "Latest updates, August 1st", "content": "The whole text for the blog post goes here in this key", "categoryIds": [1, 2] }
endpoint GET /post -> Return all blogs post, user owner of it and database categories -> The request header must be contains a valid token
endpoint GET /post/:id -> Return a blog post, user owner of it and database categories according to id -> The request header must be contains a valid token
endpoint PUT /post/:id -> Update a blog post -> The request header must be contains a valid token -> The body of the request should follow the format below:
{ "title": "Latest updates, August 1st", "content": "The whole text for the blog post goes here in this key" }
endpoint DELETE /post/:id -> Delete a blog post -> The request header must be contains a valid token -> Only the blog post creator can delete it
endpoint DELETE /user/me -> Delete you from the database, based on the id in your token -> The request header must be contains a valid token
endpoint GET /post/search?q=:searchTerm -> Return an array of blog posts that contain in their title or content the term passed in the URL -> The request header must be contains a valid token -> The query params of the request should follow the format below:
- Go Lang
In this project I could improve my knowledge in back-end, by:
- Make my own router without other frameworks.
- Using SOLID principles and Clean Architecture
- Docker
- Mysql
- Sqlx
You will have access to various scripts, that will help you achieving what you want to do.
- Before you start, your docker-compose needs to be at version 1.29 or higher
- docker-compose up -d --build
To init the database you must be run the file initdb.go in migration
cd migration
go run init.db
- After you can run the api with:
go run main.go
- LinkedIn - Alberto Ouverney Paz