Development of an API to simulate a management of a list of talkers in an event, using simple express command, and no database
Talker Manager TypeScript NodeJs SOLID Version
Talker Manager Node.Js SOLID Version
Talker Manager GO LANG with SOLID is a project API to simulate a management of a list of talkers in an event, using simple express command, and no database
The users must be capable of
endpoint GET /talker -> The request must return status 200 and an array with all registered speakers -> If there is no registered speaker, the request must return status 200 and an empty array.
endpoint GET /talker/:id -> The request should return status 200 and a person speaking based on the route id. -> If no speaker is found based on the route id, the request must return status 404 with the following body: { "message": "Pessoa palestrante não encontrada" }
endpoint POST /login -> should receive the email and password fields in the body of the request and return a random 16-character token. -> O endpoint deverá retornar um código de status 200 com o token gerado e o seguinte corpo: { "token": "7mqaVRXJSp886CGr" } -> O endpoint deve retornar um token aleatório a cada vez que for acessado.
validations for the /login endpoint -> The fields received by the request must be validated and, if the values are invalid, the endpoint must return status code 400 with the respective error message instead of the token. -> The validation rules are:
the email field is mandatory; the email field must have a valid email address; the password field is mandatory; the password field must be at least 6 characters long.
endpoint POST /talker -> should be able to add a new speaker person to your file;
endpoint PUT /talker/:id -> should be able to edit a speaker person based on the route id, without changing the registered id.
endpoint DELETE /talker/:id -> should be able to delete aa speaker person based on the route id.
endpoint GET /talker/search?q=searchTerm -> should return an array of speakers that contain the term searched for in the URL's queryParam in their name. Should return status 200
- Go Lang
In this project I could improve my knowledge in back-end, by:
- Make my own router without other frameworks.
- Using SOLID principles
- TDD and unit testing
You will have access to various scripts, that will help you achieving what you want to do.
- To launch the application, run:
go run main.go
- To launch the application, run:
- To launch the tests application, run:
go test -v ./test
- LinkedIn - Alberto Ouverney Paz