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Deploy with Vercel


To ensure that your development environment is ready, install Node.js from here. You’ll need Node.js version 18 or higher.

Getting Started

Run the following command to create a new project with this Starter:

yarn create next-app [project-name] -e
# or
npx create-next-app [project-name] -e

Run Locally

  • In the root folder create an .env file - use .env.template as a reference
  • Run command: yarn or if you want to use npm use npm install
  • To run it locally enter the next command yarn dev or npm run dev
  • Visit http://localhost:3000


  • Request a sandbox with BetterCommerce platform by getting in touch
  • Once you have the sandbox, you can login and generate the API Key & Shared Secret.

BetterCommerce Storefront on Next.js

BetterCommerce is a Headless, API-First SaaS based suite of independent composable modules Ecommerce, PIM, OMS, AI Product Recommendations and Analytics that work independently with other platforms as well as it works fully integrated as an end-to-end commerce solution.

This storefront is an all-in-one storefront based on Next.js version 13.3.0, for high-performance e-commerce sites. With a few clicks, developers can clone, deploy and fully customize their own store. The storefront by default works out-of-the-box with BetterCommerce suite of APIs, however can be customized to work with other headless commerce API providers as well.

Start right now at

LIVE demo at:


  • Performant by default
  • SEO Ready
  • Responsive
  • Shopping Cart
  • Wishlist
  • Checkout
  • Internationalization
    • Multi-lingual
    • Multi-currency
  • CMS driven
    • Mega menu
    • Home page
    • Support pages
  • Search
    • Typeahead search
    • Search Keyword Redirection
    • Integrated Elastic Search
  • Product List Page (PLP)
    • Product Collection Pages
    • Category Landing Pages
    • Brand Landing Pages
    • Lookbooks
  • Product Detail Page (PDP)
    • Meta Information
    • Structured Data
    • Media - images & videos
    • Dynamic breadcrumbs
    • Reviews
    • Variants
    • Bundles & Components
    • Related Products
  • My Account
    • Registration / Login
    • Profile
    • Wishlist
    • Address Book
    • Order History
    • Returns / Cancel
  • Integrations - Integrate seamlessly with the most common plugins needed - google analytics, post code locator, marketing platforms, etc.
  • And lot many more features...


Next.js Commerce integrates out-of-the-box with BigCommerce, Shopify, Swell, Saleor and Vendure. We plan to support all major ecommerce backends.

Request flow

  • The client side is making requests to NextJS server.
  • NextJS server then fetches from the bettercommerce API and returns the data
  • You can observe this by opening network tab, you'll see most of the requests are redirected to hostname/api/REQUEST
  • If you inspect the request in pages/api/REQUEST you will see that it is calling a different method from the Bettercommerce API

Folder Structure

  • assets - css files used in the application.
  • components - All the components and utils to use in the app. A general rule of thumb for components design is to use functional components and make them as encapsulated and small as possible.
  • config - basic store config.
  • framework - All the functions used to communicate with the API.
  • pages - This is a special folder used by NextJS. Do not rename this. For every file / folder in page NextJS will create a new page. For example if you put a /hello.tsx in pages, the content will be rendered on hostname/hello. Read more here:
    • api - Front-end API middlewares interacting with server-side APIs in framework
    • index - Home page
    • brands
      • [...brand] - Brand landing page
      • shop-all
        • [...brand] - Brand's PLP page
    • cache
      • reset
        • index - Reset client browser's cache & server-side redis cache
    • cart - Basket page
    • category
      • index - Category list page
      • [category]
        • index - Sub-category list page
        • [...subcategory] - Sub-category PLP page
    • checkout
      • index - Checkout page
    • collection
      • index - Collection list page
      • [...collection] - Collection PLP page
    • payment-failed - Order failure page
    • payment-notification
      • [...gateway] - Page for synchronous processing of the order / transaction with status when redirected from the payment gateway's payment page (for all integrated payment gateways)
    • payment-webhook
      • [...gateway] - Server-side page for handling webhooks execution for all the integrated payment gateways
    • products
      • [...slug] - PDP page
    • quote
      • [...paymentCode] - Payment link page
    • thank-you - Order confirmation page
    • 404 - Page displayed for non-existent route / url
    • 500 - Generic error page
  • public - images and other assets used publicly.
  • ssl - Self-signed certificates for running app locally on SSL.
  • public - images and other assets used publicly.
  • next.config.js - Configuration file for Next.js
  • package.json - Project dependencies and scripts
  • middleware.ts - Next.js request middleware
  • .env - Environment variables
  • .eslint.json - Configuration file for ESLint
  • .gitignore - Git files and folders to ignore
  • tsconfig.json - Configuration file for TypeScript


Environment Variables

Key Description Default Value
COMMERCE_PROVIDER Identify commerce provider being used in the storefront Bettercommerce
BETTERCOMMERCE_CLIENT_ID API Key Available in the Settings > API Token
BETTERCOMMERCE_SHARED_SECRET API Shared Secret Available in the Settings > API Token
BETTERCOMMERCE_AUTH_URL API Auth URL which provides the API token
NEXT_PUBLIC_ORG_ID Unique OrgId created for your org Provided by your BC Account Manager
NEXT_PUBLIC_DOMAIN_ID Unique Domain Id for domain Provided by your BC Account Manager
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_VERSION version of the API used v2
NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_INFINITE_SCROLL Should the infinite scroll be enabled on PLPs or standard paging TRUE
NEXT_PUBLIC_OMNILYTICS_ID If Omnilytics is enabled for realtime event capture, then this value to be provided Provided by your BC Account Manager
OMNILYTICS_BASE_URL If Omnilytics is enabled for realtime event capture, then this value to be provided Provided by your BC Account Manager
OMS_BASE_URL OMS API Url which is used for fetching basket delivery plan, split shipment, inventory

That's it!


  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and then clone it to your local device.
  2. Create a new branch git checkout -b MY_BRANCH_NAME
  3. Install yarn: npm install -g yarn
  4. Install the dependencies: yarn
  5. Duplicate .env.template and rename it to .env.local
  6. Add proper store values to .env.local
  7. Run yarn dev to build and watch for code changes

Work in progress

We're using Github Projects to keep track of issues in progress and todo's. Here is our Board

People actively working on this project: @vikrmsaxena, @Lamperoyge, @JaiswalShailendra, @gagandeep-gingh-bt & @amitkumar1403


Storefront connected to BetterCommerce API suite of commerce.





