Contributors are welcome to help us get this gem to a viable MVP.
This fork is intended to update this extension for use with Rails 7 and Solidus 4.1
This is marketplace implementation for solidus.
Basic functionality:
- Links products to one or more suppliers
- Once an order is placed:
- A shipment is created for the product's supplier
- The shipment is then sent to the store owner for fulfillment and to the supplier for visibility (via Email by default).
- The store owner fulfills orders. The supplier can view their shipments (read-only for now).
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'solidus_marketplace', github: 'better-together-solutions/solidus_marketplace'
Then run the following:
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rails g solidus_marketplace:install
(Optional) If you want to be able to see the reports, please add this line to your Gemfile
gem 'solidus_reports', github: 'solidusio-contrib/solidus_reports'
(Optional) If you want to use Stripe or other payment providers, please add this line to your Gemfile
gem 'solidus_gateway'
and run
rails g solidus_gateway:install
If you'd like to generate sample data, use the included rake tasks:
rake db:seed # Loads seed data into the store
rake spree_sample:load # Loads sample data into the store
rake spree_sample:suppliers # Create sample suppliers and randomly link to products
rake spree_sample:marketplace_orders # Create sample marketplace orders
This will include a new role (supplier_admin) and 2 new users in addition to the default
user provided by solidus.
Those users have the following email/password/roles
- / test123 / admin
- / test123 / supplier_admin
Run the following to automatically build a dummy app and run the tests:
$ bundle exec rake
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.