Sending measurement data(eCO2, TVOC, temperature and humidity) from CJMCU-8118(cheap chinese board with CCS811 and HDC1080) connected to ESP8266(Wemos D1, NodeMCU etc.) or ESP32 to your InfluxDB(<1.7.9) database.
Based on CCS811 library, ClosedCube_HDC1080 library and ESP8266Influxdb.
Wemos D1 or NodeMCU 1.0:
- VCC - 3.3V
- GND - G
- SCL - D1
- SDA - D2
- WAK - D3
- VCC - 3.3V
- GND - G
- SCL - 19
- SDA - 18
- WAK - 23