This package contains an extension to SDDP.jl-v0 for using SLDP methods to solve Multistage Stochatic MIPs. It is largely inspired in SDDiP, and our Lagrangian submodule is a very reduced version of the original one.
It requires the user to provide an upper bound
More documentation is forthcoming.
At present, we use either
- reverse 1-norm cuts
- augmented Lagrangian dual cuts
Here, the user must provide a valid upper bound for the Lipschitz constant (relative to the 1-norm at the domain). This will be used to construct the cut
Here, the user must provide, besides a Lipschitz bound
Then, we obtain a Benders multiplier
This cut, which we call Strenghtened augmented Benders cut,
is valid by construction, so the user-provided
Ideally, one would solve for the optimal Lagrange multiplier,
given the augmenting term