This repo is a personal hobby project using open source alternatives to create a data warehouse for the data of the Danish parliament. The API used is the open API from Folketinget API as the primary source of data.
- Python >= 3.11
Following commands create and activate a virtual environment and run the project.
- Bash:
git clone cd danish-democracy-data python -m venv .dbtenv source .dbtenv/bin/activate python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install -r requirements.txt python extract/ dbt deps dbt seed dbt build dbt docs generate dbt docs serve
- PowerShell:
git clone cd danish-democracy-data python -m venv .dbtenv .dbtenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install -r requirements.txt python extract\ dbt deps dbt seed dbt build dbt docs generate dbt docs serve
- Windows CMD:
git clone cd danish-democracy-data python -m venv .dbtenv .dbtenv\Scripts\activate.bat python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install -r requirements.txt python extract\ dbt deps dbt seed dbt build dbt docs generate dbt docs serve
- Code formatting:
- Add-in:
dbt Power User
- SQL linting/formatting:
The data directory will look like this:
├── danish_democracy_data.duckdb
└── curated
### DuckDB location
DuckDB file will be in project-root under `data/danish_democracy_data.duckdb`
## Staging:
* PowerShell:
python extract\
## dbt
Install dbt_utils:
dbt deps
Run models:
dbt run
Run tests:
dbt test
### sqlfluff
Run SQL linter on dbt models:
sqlfluff lint
## Browsing the data
Some options:
- [duckcli](
- [DuckDB CLI](
- [How to set up DBeaver SQL IDE for DuckDB](
For more information on dbt:
- Read the [introduction to dbt](
- Read the [dbt viewpoint](
- Join the [dbt Community](