This is a test repository with a bare bones ERC-20 contract created from scratch and deployed to Optimistic Kovan.
- Truffle (
- Git CLI ( or just google for your OS)
- NPM (
Building this repo from scratch, steps:
First, create a new directory:
mkdir coinTest
cd coinTest
Once inside the repo:
truffle init
- initialize empy truffle package
git init
- (optional) initialize a github repo
npm init
- package manager
Then, add needed dependencies:
- OpenZeppelin contract standard.
npm i --save-dev @openzeppelin/contracts
- The network information for deploying to OP Kovan (add to truffle config)
npm i @truffle/hdwallet-provider
"optimistic_kovan: { network_id: 69, chain_id: 69, provider: function () { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, "" + process.env.API_KEY ); }, }"- Setup env and gitignore
- Add address and funded OP Kovan private key to env - security best practices
- Wallet/User config for deploying to OP Kovan
npm i --save-dev @truffle/hdwallet-provider
After the above is done, deploy to Optimism Kovan with:
truffle migrate --network optimistic_kovan
and then validate on etherscan (optionally):
npm i --save-dev sol-merger
add this to npm scripts:
"build-contracts": "sol-merger \"./contracts/*.sol\" ./build/mergedContracts"