🐳 Galaxy Docker repository for genomic variant analysis from NGS data (Galaxy Variant Analysis flavor)
- Bowtie2
- SnpEff
- SAMTools
- FreeBayes
- VarScan
- lofreq
- deepTools
- MultiQC
- Qualimap
- JBrowse
- Circos
- Docker for Linux / Windows / OSX
- podman as a convenient alternative for rpm-based Linux distributions
- Kitematic for Windows / OS-X
To learn what kind of analyses you can perform with this Galaxy flavor, have a look at the following Galaxy training network tutorials:
- Exome sequencing data analysis for diagnosing a genetic disease
- Identification of somatic and germline variants from tumor and normal sample pairs
- Mapping and molecular identification of phenotype-causing mutations
To launch:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 -p 8021:21 -p 8022:22 bgruening/galaxy-exome-seq
For more details about this command line or specific usage, please consult the
of the main Galaxy Docker image, on which the current image is based.
Galaxy and every tool can be configured to make optimal usage of cluster resources.
For this a configuration file with the name job_conf.xml
is needed. You can read more
about this with more details in the upstream documentation
or by studying advanced examples configurations.
For the Miracum project we have included one example job_conf.xml
This example configuration uses SLURM as scheduler and assignes 8 cores (slurm-8c
) to the tools lofreq_call
and bwa_mem
. By default every tool gets one core.
To use this example configuration, or another one, please copy the job_conf.xml.miracum_sample
in your export folder into the Galaxy config
(e.g. export/galaxy-central/config/job_conf.xml). If you copy your file to a different place (it needs to be accessible from inside the container) you can
also point Galaxy duing startup to this special config file with: -e GALAXY_CONFIG_JOB_CONFIG_FILE=/export/job_conf.xml
From time to time, especially if you want to add new reference genome, it might be necessary to also deploy new chrom-size files. You can do this with
docker exec -t -i your_galaxy_conainer bash
cd /galaxy-central
python ./cron/build_chrom_db.py /export/galaxy-central/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/
- Bjoern Gruening
- Bérénice Batut
- Wolfgang Maier
You can file a github issue or ask us on the Galaxy help forum.