nvm --version -> 0.33.2
npm --version -> 5.3.0
node -v -> v8.4.0
- Git Ignore env
- NPM Init
- Setup linting
- Add Basic packages
- Include Testing tools
- Include Logging
- Setup access logs
- Create default route
- Create Common Request Handler
- Dockerize app
- Session
- Authentication
- Project Structure
- Developer flow
- Setup Precommit checks
- List down components
- Unit tests
- Integration tests
- Tie logs to requestId
- Minimize and uglify
Level | Status Type - Severity |
0 | Emergency: system is unusable |
1 | Alert: action must be taken immediately |
2 | Critical: critical conditions |
3 | Error: error conditions |
4 | Warning: warning conditions |
5 | Notice: normal but significant condition |
6 | Informational: informational messages |
7 | Debug: debug-level messages |
Currently using only error, debug, notice and info with the following use cases
logger.log - something to log to console but need not be stored - keep these minimal
logger.debug - Should contain only useful information that might be required for debugging post-mortem
logger.error - If any error condition is met log it
logger.access - should not be used for anything else except access logs - more over not required by dev
- Prefer string templates over concatenation
app.enable('trust proxy') - used to get correct values for client ip, protocol and setting them in req - also used for session cookie because we are behind proxy/nginx
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })) - uses qs to process complex data structures if any
Move nodemonConfig into package.json
babel --copy-files doesn't seem to copy scss files for production - Wait for babel v7 that will fix it
docker run -d --name redis -p 6380:6379 redis
docker run -it --name jstest --link redis -p 4500:4500 highbp/jstest:stage