A client Sparkify - a music streaming startup, has grown their user base and song database. They want to move their processes and data onto the cloud. Their data resides in S3 bucket, in a directory of JSON logs on user activity on the app, as well as a directory with JSON metadata on the songs in their app. Need to provide solution that enables music stores to easily process lots of information efficiently.
An implementation of a Data Warehouse leveraging AWS RedShift. This project builds an ETL pipeline for the database hosted on AWS Redshift that extracts their data from multiple JSON files residing in S3 buckets, stages them in Redshift, and transforms data into a set of dimensional tables for their analytics team to continue finding insights in what songs their users are listening to.
This contains 5 table star schema and two "staging" tables, which serves as an area for processing the data before insertion into the database.
* A staging table for temporary holding and/or preprocessing data coming from the 'log_data' S3 bucket.
event_id BIGINT IDENTITY(0,1),
artist VARCHAR,
firstName VARCHAR,
gender VARCHAR,
itemInSession INT,
lastName VARCHAR,
length FLOAT8,
level VARCHAR,
location VARCHAR,
method VARCHAR,
registration VARCHAR,
sessionId INT,
status INT,
userAgent VARCHAR,
userId INT
* A staging table for temporary holding and/or preprocessing data coming from the 'song_data' S3 bucket.
num_songs INT,
artist_id VARCHAR,
artist_latitude FLOAT8,
artist_longitude FLOAT8,
artist_location VARCHAR,
artist_name VARCHAR,
song_id VARCHAR,
title VARCHAR,
duration FLOAT8,
year INT
Fact table: songplay Dimension tables: artists, users, time, songs ** ER Diagram has been drawn with dbdiagram.io (https://dbdiagram.io/d).
The data from song_data and log_data JSON files are extracted and put in staging tables. Staging tables are necessary for data warehouses, as they serve as an area to perform checks and data cleaning and transformation before insertion.Later, from the staging tables, data is loaded into song, user, artist, songplays, time tables.
The ETL process execution:
- Before running scripts, make sure the S3 buckets and the reshift cluster are running, and that a connection instance can be established with the cluster.
- The "sql_queries.py" python script contains sql statements needed to create the 7 tables (two staging tables one dimension and 4 fact tables), and to insert the appropriate data from the correct sources.
- The "create_tables.py" python script will run the create table sql queries in the "sql_queries.py" file, and create the empty tables.
- The "etl.py" script will create a connection instance to the cluster, load the "log_data" and "song_data" json files from S3 bucket to the staging tables, and then insert the data into the 5 tables accordingly.
AWS Redshift is used in ETL pipeline as the DB solution. Below mentioned set-up has been used:
Cluster: 4x dc2.large nodes Location: US-West-2
Running the following query in redshift query editor:
<1.> Get the number of songs.
SELECT Count(*) FROM songplays; Result: 333
<2.> Get name of artists by running following query.
select * from artists limit 10;
Pick one artist. here for ex- 'John Williams'
select * from artists where artists.name = 'John Williams';
Get the songs by artists.
SELECT songs.song_id, artists.name FROM songs JOIN artists ON songs.artist_id = artists.artist_id WHERE artists.name = 'John Williams';
Get the number of songs by artists.
SELECT COUNT(songs.song_id) FROM songs JOIN artists ON songs.artist_id = artists.artist_id WHERE artists.name = 'John Williams';
Result: 3