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A recipe sharing webapp where users' karma and location affect their permissions to perform operations such as view recipe or upvote recipe, it fetches the data dynamically from a MySQL server and uses opal for authorisation implementing custom opal data fetcher for mysql.


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🌐 Resipe

Welcome to the Resipe project!

A recipe sharing webapp where users' karma and location affect their permissions to perform operations such as view recipe or upvote recipe, it fetches the data dynamically from a MySQL server and uses opal for authorisation implementing custom opal data fetcher for mysql.


Table of Contents


Resipe is a recipe sharing webapp where user's karma and location affect their permissions to perform operations such as view recipe or upvote recipe, it fetches the data dynamically from a mysql server and uses auth0 for authentication, opal for authorisation implementing custom opal data fetcher for mysql.

Two main goals of this project were:

  • to build a custom opal data fetcher for mysql
  • to use this custom data fetcher with mysql for real world applications


  • Create new recipes and share them with everyone
  • View recipes based on your location
  • Upvote recipes to show your appreciation
  • Gain karma points when you upvote or create new recipes


  • Reactjs for frontend
  • MUI for styling and frontend components
  • Zustand for global state management in frontend
  • Auth0 for authentication (authN)
  • Opal for authorisation (authZ)
  • Nodejs (Express) for backend
  • MySQL for database
  • Prisma for ORM
  • axios to fetch data


To install and run this project, we have three services to start, follow these steps to run the project locally

  1. Clone the repository

     git clone
     cd Resipe
  2. Start the OPAL Service The opal service uses docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile to start and initialize instances of

    • mysql server ( host: "example_db", user: "root", password: "mysql", db: "test", port: 3306 )
    • adminer ( port: 8083 , to explore database )
    • opal server ( port: 7002, which uses MySQLFetchProvider to fetch data which is written in src directory and uses github repo to fetch policies )
    • opal client ( port: 8181 )

    Before running this service, make sure you upload the policy.rego file in a separate github repo and add its url in docker-compose.yml To run these services, execute the following command in root directory of the project containing docker-compose.yml

    docker compose up

    In this step you might run into a permission issue which looks like Permission Denied as we are copying our fetcher files in docker container, to fix that use command chmod -R 777 ./ in root directory.

  3. Start the server Before starting server make sure that OPAL service is up and then create a .env file in server directory and paste following code into it.


    This url is based on configs mentioned in docker-compose.yml, you can change it accordingly.

    Now execute the following commands in your server directory to start the server:

    npm install
    npm run prisma:migrate
    npm run dev

    Now our server will start at http://localhost:3000

  4. Creating Auth0 Credentials

    • Go to Auth0 and create credentials for your single page app (react)
    • Disable email+password login and only enable google oauth login
    • Replace the domain and clientId from auth0 in App.jsx file present in client
  5. Start the client Before starting client make sure that server is up and then run following commands in client directory to start the client:

    npm install
    npm run dev

    Now our client will start at http://localhost:5173


You can run the client at http://localhost:5173

  • Initially every logged in user will have Foodie role with 0 karma and "India" as default country.
  • Every Foodie user can view recipe of same country of his current location, you can change you current location from navbar.
  • A Foodie user cannot upvote to any of recipes
  • After adding a recipe in app, user will be given Chef role with increase in karma by 50.
  • A chef can view recipe of all the countries
  • A chef can upvote any recipe, also upvoting a recipe increases karma by 10

You can explore your mysql database through adminer using http://localhost:8083

You can check OPA cache data by making a GET request to url http://localhost:8181/v1/data

You can check your current policies by making a GET request to url http://localhost:7002/policy

You can publish a data update event by making a POST request to url http://localhost:7002/data/config with sending entries object as body

Project Structure

├── client/
├── server/
├── sql/
├── src/
├── .gitignore
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── Makefile
├── rbac.rego
├── pyproject.toml


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or improvements, please create a pull request or open an issue.

  1. Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top right of this page.
  2. Clone the Fork:
    git clone
  3. Create a Branch:
    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  4. Make Your Changes: Commit your changes and push to your fork.
  5. Create a Pull Request: Submit a pull request detailing your changes.


This project is licensed under the Apache License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Thank you for visiting our project! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.


A recipe sharing webapp where users' karma and location affect their permissions to perform operations such as view recipe or upvote recipe, it fetches the data dynamically from a MySQL server and uses opal for authorisation implementing custom opal data fetcher for mysql.







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