This exercise aims to test your frontend engineering skills ;
Below you will find the instructions of this exercise.
Keep in mind that:
- You do not have to find the right solution, we are interested in the way you'll conceive your program.
- You should give the exercise a limited amount of time: 2 to 3 hours should be good enough (you have one week maximum to return the assignment).
- Keep in mind your code quality will be appreciated.
Using the Open Trivia DataBase API (, build a game where the user:
can pick an answer, and see when he's right or wrong ;
is limited by a countdown ;
There is only five question and the user can only see one question at a time. Hint: you'll most likely need a "next" button to see the next question.
the type of question has to be "Multiple Choice" but you can chose the "Difficulty".
Feel free to read the API doc here =>
- You can't use any library or framework, everything has to be written in vanilla JavaScript.
- Leave comments where you think there should be.
- The design of the game is up to you, but don't worry, we are not asking you to be a CSS and design wizard along with being a fullstack developer, but those appetences will be appreciated.
Thank you for your time and good luck! 🍀