en - BIC Calendar is a simple calendar to mark events and ranges of dates (and date picker), a jQuery plugin and Twitter Bootstrap. For more info check: http://bichotll.github.io/bic_calendar/
ca - BIC Calendar es un simple calendari per marcar esdeveniments i rangs de dates. Un plugin de jQuery i Twitter Bootstrap. Per mes info: http://bichotll.github.io/bic_calendar/
- ~jQuery 1.7.2
- ~Twitter Bootstrap 3.0
events (array of event object)
date (string or date)
- default: the current date *The date to display, as a string in dd/MM/YYYY format, or as a Date object
startWeekDay (int)
- default: 0 *1 for english format. Mind the dayNames.
dayNames (array)
- default: ["l", "m", "x", "j", "v", "s", "d"] *Did you change the startWeekDay? Change the order of this days then.
monthNames (array)
- default: ["Enero", "Febrero", "Marzo", "Abril", "Mayo", "Junio", "Julio", "Agosto", "Septiembre", "Octubre", "Noviembre", "Diciembre"]
showDays (boolean)
- default: true
reqAjax (json array of event array)
- reqAjax.type (string) {'get', 'post'}
- reqAjax.url (string)
enableSelect (boolean)
- default: false
multiSelect (boolean)
- default: false
displayMonthController (boolean)
- default: true
displayYearController (boolean)
- default: true
popoverOptions (popover Twitter Bootstrap object)
tooltipOptions (tooltip Twitter Bootstrap object)
- date(string):
- "17/8/1989"
- title (string)
- "Event Barberà"
- link (string)
- color(string)
- "#333"
- class (string)
- "activo congreso"
- content (string)
- "Text for the content of popover...description of event...image..."
- if content is not defined it will be a tooltip
- detail.dateFirst
- 12/26/1989
- detail.dateLast
- 12/12/1992
document.addEventListener('bicCalendarSelect', function(e) {
moment.lang('es'); // default the language to English
var dateFirst = new moment(e.detail.dateFirst);
var dateLast = new moment(e.detail.dateLast);
- Bic Calendar Full
- Just a fork to show the full year. As this one the user can mark ranges.
- Bootstrap monthly calendar
- A simple monthly calendar.
- Bootstrap Calendar
- If you are looking to work with TwBoot 2X maybe this one is better.