Works with Puppet 2.7 or higher
Should work for RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, Suse SLES or OracleLinux
this is because rpm post install fails with some pack error
installs jdk on linux based systems with x64 or 32 bits add the jdk-7u25-linux-x64.tar.gz (downloaded from Oracle website) to the source_path folder, which defaults to the "files" folder of this module.
- download the tar.gz to the download folder of the puppet agent server
- unpack the java tar.gz
- set the java links in /usr/java ( latest and default )
- set this java and javac as default
- optional updates urandom device for weblogic performance in
urandomfix class for lack of entropy this rngd or or rng-tools service add extra random number
include jdk7
jdk7::install7{ 'jdk1.7.0_40':
version => "7u40" ,
full_version => "jdk1.7.0_40",
java_homes => '/usr/java/',
alternatives_priority => 18000,
x64 => true,
download_dir => "/install",
urandom_java_fix => false,
source_path => "puppet:///modules/jdk7/",
default_links => true,
install_alternatives => true,
or Java 8 and with rsa keySize Fix
jdk7::install7{ 'jdk1.8.0':
version => "8" ,
full_version => "jdk1.8.0",
alternatives_priority => 19000,
x64 => true,
download_dir => "/data/install",
urandom_java_fix => true,
rsa_key_size_fix => false,
source_path => "/software",
or with cryptography Extension File US export
jdk7::install7{ 'jdk1.7.0_51':
version => "7u51" ,
full_version => "jdk1.7.0_51",
alternatives_priority => 18000,
x64 => true,
download_dir => "/data/install",
urandom_java_fix => true,
rsa_key_size_fix => true,
cryptography_extension_file => "",
source_path => "/software",
class { 'jdk7::urandomfix' :}
Note: The cryptography_extension_file needs to be stored in the source_path folder as above.