The project contains the prototype of a web application that provides to services:
- Routing: a service that finds a route with a minimal heat stress between two points at a given time.
- Optimal time: a service that finds an optimal point in time, i.e. a point in time with a minimal heat stress, for every place in a given radius that fulfill a criterion (e.g. is a supermarket). Additional for every place the optimal route between the start point and the place is computed.
A running docker-based instance is running on our server:
- mvn (Maven)
sudo apt install maven
- docker
- docker-compose
- R
- gdal
- osmosis
sudo apt install osmosis
- Windows: e.g. cygwin to execute sh scripts
- TODO ...
$ git clone
$ cd path-optimizer
$ mvn clean install
$ docker-compose up
Now go to http://localhost:8000/ to see the locally running instance.
If there are any questions please feel free and send a mail to: