BikeHopper is a navigation app for everything but cars. It gives you directions that include riding a bike, taking transit, or both. We're developing and testing in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, but in principle it could be used anywhere in the world where transit info is available in GTFS format.
BikeHopper uses:
- OpenStreetMap street data
- Nominatim and Photon for geocoding
- A modified version of GraphHopper, for routing (Thank you to the original GraphHopper)
- A React frontend for mobile and desktop layouts at bikehopper-ui
- A lightweight Node.js proxy we've written called bikehopper-web-app
- FormatJS and hosted Weblate for internationalization (WIP)
- For the Bay Area instance: transit data from
BikeHopper is free software under the GNU Affero General Public License, which requires the source to be kept open. We discourage corporate uses of BikeHopper, but highly encourage self-hosted, community instances in other regions. Get in touch if you'd like us to help you be the first region beyond the Bay Area to set one up.