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Generic helm chart for all kind of applications

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Generic helm chart for all kind of applications

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-application in namespace test:

helm repo add stakater
helm repo update
helm install my-application stakater/application --namespace test

Uninstall the Chart

To uninstall the chart:

helm delete <name-of-the-chart>


Parameter Description Default
applicationName Name of the application application
namespaceOverride Override default release namespace with a custom value application Label to define application group com.stakater.platform Label to define team stakater
deployment.strategy Strategy for updating deployments RollingUpdate
deployment.reloadOnChange Reload deployment if configMap/secret mounted are updated true
deployment.nodeSelector Select node to deploy this application {}
deployment.hostAliases Adding entries to a Pod's /etc/hosts file provides Pod-level override of hostname resolution when DNS and other options are not applicable []
deployment.initContainers Init containers which runs before the app container []
deployment.additionalLabels Additional labels for Deployment {}
deployment.podLabels Additional label added on pod which is used in Service's Label Selector {}
deployment.annotations Annotations on deployments {}
deployment.additionalPodAnnotation Additional Pod Annotations added on pod created by this Deployment {}
deployment.fluentdConfigAnnotations Annotations for fluentd Configurations {}
deployment.replicas Replicas to be created 2
deployment.imagePullSecrets Secrets used to pull image ""
deployment.envFrom Environment variables to be picked from configmap or secret []
deployment.envFrom.type Type of data i.e. Configmap or Secret `` Name of Configmap or Secret, if set empty, set to application name ``
deployment.envFrom.nameSuffix Suffix Name of Configmap or Secret, applicationName is appended as prefix ``
deployment.env Environment variables to be passed to the app container []
deployment.volumes Volumes to be added to the pod []
deployment.volumeMounts Mount path for Volumes []
deployment.command Command for primary container of deployment []
deployment.args Arg for primary container of deployment []
deployment.tolerations Taint tolerations for nodes []
deployment.affinity Affinity for pod/node []
deployment.image.repository Image repository for the application repository/image-name
deployment.image.tag Tag of the application Image v1.0.0
deployment.image.pullPolicy Pull policy for the application image IfNotPresent
deployment.ports Ports for primary container []
deployment.probes.readinessProbe The readiness probe block {"failureThreshold":3,"periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1,"initialDelaySeconds":"10\nhttpGet:\n path: /path\n port: 8080"}
deployment.probes.livenessProbe The livenessness probe block. {"failureThreshold":3,"periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1,"initialDelaySeconds":"10\nhttpGet:\n path: /path\n port: 8080"}
deployment.resources Application pod resource requests & limits limits:
  memory: 256Mi
  cpu: 1
  memory: 128Mi
  cpu: 0.5
deployment.openshiftOAuthProxy.enabled Add Openshift OAuth Proxy as SideCar Container false
deployment.openshiftOAuthProxy.port Application port so proxy should forward to this port 8080
deployment.openshiftOAuthProxy.secretName Secret name containing the TLS cert openshift-oauth-proxy-tls
deployment.additionalContainers Add additional containers besides init and app containers []
deployment.securityContext Security Context for the pod {}
persistence.enabled Enable persistence false
persistence.mountPVC Whether to mount the created PVC to the deployment false
persistence.mountPath If persistence.mountPVC is set, so where to mount the volume in the deployment /
persistence.accessMode Access mode for volume ReadWriteOnce
persistence.storageClass StorageClass of the volume -
persistence.additionalLabels Additional labels for persistent volume {}
persistence.annotations Annotations for persistent volume {}
persistence.storageSize Size of the persistent volume 8Gi
service.additionalLabels Additional labels for service {}
service.annotations Annotations for service {}
service.ports Ports for applications service - port: 8080
  name: http
  protocol: TCP
  targetPort: 8080
ingress.enabled Enable ingress false
ingress.servicePort Port of the service that serves pod 8080
ingress.hosts Array of FQDN hosts to be served by this ingress - chart-example.local
ingress.additionalLables Labels for ingress {}
ingress.annotations Annotations for ingress {}
ingress.tls TLS block for ingress []
route.enabled Enable Route incase of Openshift false Host of route. If no host is added then openshift inserts the default hostname nil
route.annotations Annotations for route {}
route.additionalLables Labels for route {}
route.port.targetPort Port of the service that serves pods http
route.wildcardPolicy Route wildcard policy None
route.tls.termination TLS termination strategy edge
route.tls.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy TLS termination policy for insecure traffic Redirect
forecastle.enabled Enable Forecastle false
forecastle.additionalLabels Additional labels for Forecastle Custom Resource {}
forecastle.icon URL of application icon display on forecastle dashboard
forecastle.displayName Name of the application to be displayed on Forecastle dashboard application Group application on Forecastle dashboard if not defined Namespace name is used Additional properties for Custom Resource {}
forecastle.networkRestricted Whether app is network restricted or not false
rbac.enabled Enable RBAC true
rbac.serviceAccount.enabled Enable serviceAccount false Name of the existing serviceAccount ""
rbac.serviceAccount.additionalLabels Labels for serviceAccount {}
rbac.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for serviceAccount {}
rbac.roles Array of roles []
configMap.enabled Enable configMaps false
configMap.additionalLabels Labels for configMaps {}
configMap.annotations Annotations for configMaps {}
configMap.files Array of configMap files with suffixes and data contained in those files []
secret.enabled Enable secret false
secret.additionalLabels Labels for secret {}
secret.annotations Annotations for secret {}
secret.files Array of secret files with suffixes and data contained in those files []
serviceMonitor.enabled Enable serviceMonitor false
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels Labels for serviceMonitor {}
serviceMonitor.annotations Annotations for serviceMonitor {}
serviceMonitor.jobLabel Job Label used for application selector k8s-app
serviceMonitor.endpoints Array of endpoints to be scraped by prometheus - interval: 5s
  path: /actuator/prometheus
  port: http
autoscaling.enabled Enable horizontal pod autoscaler false
autoscaling.additionalLabels Labels for horizontal pod autoscaler {}
autoscaling.annotations Annotations for horizontal pod autoscaler {}
autoscaling.minReplicas Sets minimum replica count when autoscaling is enabled 1
autoscaling.maxReplicas Sets maximum replica count when autoscaling is enabled 10
autoscaling.metrics Configuration for hpa metrics, set when autoscaling is enabled {}
endpointMonitor.enabled Enable endpointMonitor for IMC ( false
endpointMonitor.additionalLabels Labels for endpointMonitor {}
endpointMonitor.annotations Annotations for endpointMonitor {}
endpointMonitor.additionalConfig Additional Config for endpointMonitor {}
space.enabled Enable Space Custom Resource false
space.additionalLabels Additional labels for Space Custom Resource {}
space.annotations Annotations for Space Custom Resource {}
space.tenant Tenant associated with Space Custom Resource ""
namespace.enabled Enable Namespace false
namespace.additionalLabels Additional labels for Namespace {}
namespace.annotations Annotations for Namespace {}
sealedSecret.enabled Enable sealed secret false
sealedSecret.additionalLabels Labels for sealed secret {}
sealedSecret.annotations Annotations for sealed secret {}
sealedSecret.files Array of secret files with name and encrypted data contained in those files []
certificate.enabled Enable Certficate Custom Resource false
certificate.enabled Enable Certficate Custom Resource false
certificate.additionalLabels Additional labels for Certificate Custom Resource {}
certificate.annotations Annotations for Certificate Custom Resource {}
certificate.secretName SecretName is the name of the secret resource that will be automatically created and managed by this Certificate resource tls-cert
certificate.duration The requested ‘duration’ (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificate 8760h0m0s
certificate.renewBefore The amount of time before the currently issued certificate’s notAfter time that cert-manager will begin to attempt to renew the certificate 720h0m0s
certificate.subject Full X509 name specification for certificate {}
certificate.commonName CommonName is the common name as specified on the DER encoded CSR admin-app
certificate.keyAlgorithm KeyAlgorithm is the private key algorithm of the corresponding private key for this certificate rsa
certificate.keyEncoding KeyEncoding is the private key cryptography standards (PKCS) for this certificate’s private key to be encoded in pkcs1
certificate.keySize KeySize is the key bit size of the corresponding private key for this certificate 2048
certificate.isCA IsCA will mark this Certificate as valid for certificate signing false
certificate.usages Usages is the set of x509 usages that are requested for the certificate {}
certificate.dnsNames DNSNames is a list of DNS subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. {}
certificate.ipAddresses IPAddresses is a list of IP address subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. {}
certificate.uriSANs URISANs is a list of URI subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. {}
certificate.emailSANs EmailSANs is a list of email subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. {}
certificate.privateKey.enabled Enable private key for the certificate false
certificate.privateKey.rotationPolicy Denotes how private keys should be generated or sourced when a Certificate is being issued. Always IssuerRef is a reference to the issuer for this certificate. Name of the resource being referred to ca-issuer
certificate.issuerRef.kind Kind of the resource being referred to ClusterIssuer
certificate.keystores.enabled Enables keystore configuration. Keystores configures additional keystore output formats stored in the secretName Secret resource false
certificate.keystores.pkcs12.create Enables PKCS12 keystore creation for the Certificate. PKCS12 configures options for storing a PKCS12 keystore in the spec.secretName Secret resource true
certificate.keystores.pkcs12.key The key of the entry in the Secret resource’s data field to be used test_key The name of the Secret resource being referred to test-creds
certificate.keystores.jks.create Enables jks keystore creation for the Certificate. JKS configures options for storing a JKS keystore in the spec.secretName Secret resource false
certificate.keystores.jks.key The key of the entry in the Secret resource’s data field to be used test_key The name of the Secret resource being referred to test-creds
alertmanagerConfig.enabled Enable alertmanagerConfig for this app (Will be merged in the base config) false
alertmanagerConfig.selectionLabels Labels for this config to be selected for merging in alertmanager base config alertmanagerConfig: "workload"
alertmanagerConfig.spec.route The Alertmanager route definition for alerts matching the resource’s namespace. It will be added to the generated Alertmanager configuration as a first-level route {}
alertmanagerConfig.spec.receivers List of receivers []
alertmanagerConfig.spec.inhibitRules InhibitRule defines an inhibition rule that allows to mute alerts when other alerts are already firing []
prometheusRule.enabled Enable prometheusRule for this app false
prometheusRule.additionalLabels Kubernetes labels object, these additional labels will be added to PrometheusRule CRD {}
prometheusRule.spec.groups PrometheusRules in their groups to be added []
secretProviderClass.enabled Enables Secret Provider Class Custom Resource false Name of Secret Provider Class Custom Resource ""
secretProviderClass.provider Provider of Secret Provider Class Custom Resource ""
secretProviderClass.vaultAddress Address of vault ""
secretProviderClass.roleName Name of the role being referred to in vault ""
secretProviderClass.objects The object created from the secret in vault []
secretProviderClass.secretObjects This creates the kubernetes secret ""


Generic helm chart for all kind of applications






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