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Take-Home Project Requirement


Enhance the provided starter project by implementing an interactive heatmap graph to display the number of unique visitors by country and hour of the day, with a selectable date range.

Provided Resources

  • Starter Project: Pre-configured with SvelteKit, tRPC, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS, adhering to our coding standards.
    • Includes sample code that greets the user by name.(can be removed)
    • ElasticSearch client setup is included.
  • Figma Design: Figma Design Link The design except the Graph is just a mock up you can improve it however you want
  • Kibana Dashboard: Kibana Dashboard Link
    • Credential: Login information
    • Graph: Search for the heatmap graph titled "[Logs] Unique Destination Heatmap" in Kibana for reference.

Task Description

  1. Clone and Fork the Starter Project:

    • Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
    • Clone the provided repository to your local development environment.
    • Running the Project:
      • After cloning or forking the project, navigate to the project directory.

      • Install dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn).

      • Rename .env.example to .env and add the env information from this link

      • Start a development server:

        npm run dev
        # or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
        npm run dev -- --open
  2. Implement the Heatmap Graph:

    • Frontend:

      • Use SvelteKit to create the interactive heatmap UI.
      • Style the heatmap according to the provided Figma design
      • Utilize a suitable visualization library such as D3.js or any other library appropriate for creating heatmaps.
      • The heatmap should have:
        • Y-axis: List of countries.
        • X-axis: Hours of the day (1-24).
        • Cells: Represent the number of unique visitors, with varying colors indicating different visitor counts.
      • (Optional) Implement interactivity features such as tooltips displaying detailed information when hovering over a cell.
      • Date Range Selector:
        • Add a select dropdown to filter data by predefined date ranges:
          • Last week
          • Last two weeks
          • Last month
          • Last quarter
          • Last year
        • Ensure the heatmap updates dynamically when the date range is changed.
    • Backend:

      • Use tRPC to create API endpoints for fetching data from ElasticSearch.
      • Write endpoints to:
        • Fetch and aggregate unique visitor data by country and hour.
        • Filter data based on the selected date range.
        • Handle the predefined date ranges to fetch appropriate data from ElasticSearch.
      • Connect to the ElasticSearch instance using the provided Kibana credentials.
    • Data Handling:

      • Ensure the ElasticSearch queries are efficient and optimized for aggregation.
      • Aggregate data to count unique visitors by country and hour.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Code Quality: Clean, readable, and maintainable code following best practices.
  • Functionality: Correct implementation of the heatmap and date range selector as per the provided Figma design.
  • Interactivity: Smooth and intuitive user interactions.
  • Efficiency: Optimal data fetching and processing from ElasticSearch.
  • Documentation: Clear and detailed documentation and README updates.


  • Submission form: Form Link
  • Repository: Submit the link to your forked repository in the above google form


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