Search for Nuget packages using the .NET Core CLI.
Download and install the one of the currently supported .NET SDKs. Once installed, run the following command:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-search
If you already have a previous version of dotnet-search installed, you can upgrade to the latest version using the following command:
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-search
$ dotnet search --help
Usage: dotnet search [arguments] [options]
query The search terms used to find packages
--version Show version information
-?|-h|--help Show help information
--include-prerelease Include prerelease packages
-s|--skip Number of results to skip. (Default: 0)
-t|--take Number of results to display. (Default: 10)
$ dotnet search
Name Description Authors Version Downloads Verified
Newtonsoft.Json Json.NET is a James Newton-King 11.0.2 113.78M *
JSON framework for
Json.NET.Web Json.NET web client Caelan 1.0.49 24.32K
Fluent-Json.NET See the project page Miguel Angelo (masbicudo) 0.2.0 1.14K
for more.
TagCache.Redis.Json.Net JSON.NET Jon Menzies-Smith 1.10K
serialization for and Fabian Nicollier
Fluent-Json.NET.Lib_v10 Fluent configuration Miguel Angelo (masbicudo) 0.2.1 51
for Json.NET v10
library. Tried to
follow Fluent
NHibernate mapping
style. Implemented
as converter and
contract resolver.
Fluent-Json.NET.Lib_v9 Fluent configuration Miguel Angelo (masbicudo) 0.2.1 60
for Json.NET v9
library. Tried to
follow Fluent
NHibernate mapping
style. Implemented
as converter and
contract resolver.
NanoMessageBus.Json.NET Additional Jonathan Oliver 2.0.51 13.01K
provider for
NanoMessageBus based
on the Newtonsoft
Json.NET library.
SOLIDplate.Json.Net A set of boilerplate Afzal Hassen 1.54K
code libraries that
implementation of
S.O.L.I.D principles
in .Net solutions
Json.Net.Unity3D Forked Esun Kim 9.0.1 627
Newtonsoft.Json to
support Unity3D
Invisual.Serialization.Json.Net Json Serializer Invisual 3.0.5886.24324 456
built with Json.Net
1 - 10 of 259 results
$ dotnet search microsoft.aspnetcore.all --include-prerelease
Name Description Authors Version Downloads Verified
Microsoft.AspNetCore.All Microsoft.AspNetCore.All Microsoft 2.1.0-preview2-final 2.23M *
1 - 1 of 1 results
$ dotnet search [query] --skip 10 # skip 10, take default
$ dotnet search [query] --take 50 # skip 0, take 50
$ dotnet search [query] --skip 10 --take 50 # skip 10, take 50
git clone
cd dotnet-search/src/DotNetSearch
dotnet pack -c release -o nupkg
Output is located in src/DotNetSearch/nupkg
dotnet tool uninstall -g dotnet-search