What's a thread dump and why might I want one? well put
A Thread Dump is a brief snapshot in textual format of threads within a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This is equivalent to process dump in the native world. Data about each thread including the name of the thread, priority, thread group, state (running/blocked/waiting/parking) as well as the execution stack in form of thread stack trace is included in the thread dump. All threads – the Java VM threads (GC threads/scavengers/monitors/others) as well as application and server threads are all included in the dump. Newer versions of JVMs also report blocked thread chains (like ThreadA is locked for a resource held by ThreadB) as well as deadlocks (circular dependency among threads for locks).
Parse a thread dump from the /api/support endpoint of go.
Last I looked was produced by ThreadInformationProvider.
Used hunting performance troubles.
Example from go-log-12.txt
- TDA - Thread Dump Analyzer
- Spotify Online Java Thread Dump Analyzer
- Atlassian's Instructions
- Samurai
- mchr3k's
- Structured dumping enabling better tooling In this case XML, XLST and graphviz.
- No scalatest execution in intellij scalatest #743
Needs work. Run in sbt: