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This repository holds the source code of NetrunnerDB.

This is not where the cards data is

The data used by NetrunnerDB is at If you want to fix a mistake in some card data, or add the data of a new card, you can submit a PR there. Also, that's where the localized data is.

Installing a local copy of NetrunnerDB


  • you need a recent apache/php/mysql stack
  • your php module must be configured with mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8

How to install

  • Go into the directory where your server will reside
  • Clone the repository (or your own fork)
  • This creates a directory named netrunnerdb
  • Also, clone the data repository (or your own fork) at
  • Go into it the directory netrunnerdb
  • Install Composer (see
  • Install the vendor libs: composer install. You'll be asked to input your database connection parameter.
  • Create the database: php bin/console doctrine:database:create
  • If the above command fails, edit app/config/parameters.yml and try again
  • Create the tables: php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
  • Import all the data from the data repository: php bin/console app:import:std -f path_to_json_repository
  • Configure your web server with the correct DocumentRoot. Alternatively, use PHP's built-in Web Server. Set your DocumentRoot to netrunnerdb/web
  • Point your browser to /app_dev.php

How to add card images

  • Put the card images in web/card_image/ (web/card_image/01001.png, etc.)

How to update

When you update your repository (git pull), run the following commands:

  • composer self-update
  • composer install (do not run composer update)
  • php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
  • php bin/console app:import:std path_to_json_repository

Deck of the Week

To update the deck of the week on the front page:

  • php bin/console app:highlight decklist_id

where decklist_id is the numeric id of the deck you want to highlight.

Setup an admin account

  • register
  • make sure your account is enabled (or run php bin/console fos:user:activate <username>)
  • run php bin/console fos:user:promote --super <username>

Add or edit cards

  • update the json data
  • run php bin/console app:import:json path_to_json_repository


A Deckbuilder for Android:Netrunner LCG







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  • PHP 57.3%
  • HTML 21.4%
  • JavaScript 19.2%
  • CSS 2.1%