This program converts assembly language code into machine code. It maps assembly instructions to their corresponding machine code representations and handles both input and output to interact with the user.
The Assembler Program is a tool designed to convert assembly code into machine code. It allows users to write assembly instructions, which are then translated into the binary code that a CPU can execute. This program provides an intuitive interface for entering assembly instructions and viewing the corresponding machine code.
Input Assembly Code:
- Enter your assembly instructions in the "Input" section. Each instruction should be on a new line.
Assemble the Code:
- Click the "Assemble" button to convert the assembly code into machine code.
View Output:
- The resulting machine code will be displayed in the "Output" section.
Operation: Adds the values from two registers and stores the result in a destination register.
Format: ADD R1, R2, R3
Description: R1 = R2 + R3
Operation: Subtracts the value of the second register from the first register and stores the result in the destination register.
Format: SUB R1, R2, R3
Description: R1 = R2 - R3
Operation: Loads a value from memory into a register.
Format: LOAD R1, [R2]
Description: R1 = Memory[R2]
Operation: Stores the value from a register into memory.
Format: STORE R1, [R2]
Description: Memory[R2] = R1
Operation: Multiplies the values from two registers and stores the result in a destination register.
Format: MUL R1, R2, R3
Description: R1 = R2 * R3
Operation: Divides the value of the first register by the value of the second register and stores the result in a destination register.
Format: DIV R1, R2, R3
Description: R1 = R2 / R3
Operation: Performs a bitwise AND operation on two registers and stores the result in a destination register.
Format: AND R1, R2, R3
Description: R1 = R2 & R3
Operation: Performs a bitwise OR operation on two registers and stores the result in a destination register.
Format: OR R1, R2, R3
Description: R1 = R2 | R3
Operation: Performs a bitwise XOR operation on two registers and stores the result in a destination register.
Format: XOR R1, R2, R3
Description: R1 = R2 ^ R3
Operation: Performs a bitwise NOT operation on a single register and stores the result in the same register.
Format: NOT R1
Description: R1 = ~R1
Operation: Jumps to a specified memory address.
Format: JMP [address]
Description: PC = address
Operation: Jumps to a specified memory address if the zero flag is set.
Format: JZ [address]
Description: if (ZF == 1) PC = address
Operation: Jumps to a specified memory address if the zero flag is not set.
Format: JNZ [address]
Description: if (ZF == 0) PC = address
Operation: Calls a subroutine at a specified memory address.
Format: CALL [address]
Description: SP = PC; PC = address
Operation: Returns from a subroutine to the instruction following the CALL.
Format: RET
Description: PC = SP
Operation: Compares the values of two registers and sets the appropriate flags.
Format: CMP R1, R2
Description: ZF = (R1 == R2); SF = (R1 < R2)
Each instruction can have a specific format, often including the opcode and operands. Here’s a simple example:
Instruction | Opcode | Format | Description |
ADD | 0001 | ADD R1, R2, R3 | R1 = R2 + R3 |
SUB | 0010 | SUB R1, R2, R3 | R1 = R2 - R3 |
LOAD | 0011 | LOAD R1, [R2] | R1 = Memory[R2] |
STORE | 0100 | STORE R1, [R2] | Memory[R2] = R1 |
MUL | 0101 | MUL R1, R2, R3 | R1 = R2 * R3 |
DIV | 0110 | DIV R1, R2, R3 | R1 = R2 / R3 |
AND | 0111 | AND R1, R2, R3 | R1 = R2 & R3 |
OR | 1000 | OR R1, R2, R3 | R1 = R2 |
XOR | 1001 | XOR R1, R2, R3 | R1 = R2 ^ R3 |
NOT | 1010 | NOT R1 | R1 = ~R1 |
JMP | 1011 | JMP [address] | PC = address |
JZ | 1100 | JZ [address] | if (ZF == 1) PC = address |
JNZ | 1101 | JNZ [address] | if (ZF == 0) PC = address |
CALL | 1110 | CALL [address] | SP = PC; PC = address |
RET | 1111 | RET | PC = SP |
CMP | 0000 | CMP R1, R2 | ZF = (R1 == R2); SF = (R1 < R2) |
- Parser: Read assembly code and parse each line to identify the instruction and operands.
- Opcode Mapping: Create a mapping from instruction names to their corresponding opcode values.
- Code Generation: Convert parsed instructions into machine code by replacing instruction names with opcodes and resolving operand addresses.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
- Includes: The headers provide the necessary functionalities such as input/output streams (
), string streams (sstream
), maps (map
), and vectors (vector
). - Namespace:
using namespace std
allows us to use standard library functions and objects without thestd::
enum InstructionType { ADD, SUB, LOAD, STORE, UNKNOWN };
- InstructionType: An enumeration to represent different types of instructions that the virtual CPU can handle. This includes
InstructionType getInstructionType(const string& inst) {
if (inst == "ADD") return ADD;
if (inst == "SUB") return SUB;
if (inst == "LOAD") return LOAD;
if (inst == "STORE") return STORE;
return UNKNOWN;
- getInstructionType:
- Purpose: Converts a string instruction (e.g., "ADD", "SUB") to its corresponding
enum value. - Parameters:
: A string representing the instruction.
- Returns: The corresponding
enum value. If the instruction is not recognized, it returnsUNKNOWN
- Purpose: Converts a string instruction (e.g., "ADD", "SUB") to its corresponding
string assemble(const string& assemblyCode) {
map<string, int> registers = { {"R0", 0}, {"R1", 1}, {"R2", 2}, {"R3", 3} };
istringstream iss(assemblyCode);
string line, machineCode;
while (getline(iss, line)) {
istringstream linestream(line);
string opcode, reg1, reg2;
linestream >> opcode >> reg1 >> reg2;
int machineInstruction = getInstructionType(opcode) << 6 | registers[reg1] << 3 | registers[reg2];
machineCode += to_string(machineInstruction) + "\n";
return machineCode;
- assemble:
- Purpose: Converts assembly code into machine code.
- Parameters:
: A string containing the assembly code.
- Functionality:
- Defines a map to convert register names to integers.
- Uses a string stream (
) to read the assembly code line by line. - For each line, it extracts the opcode and register names.
- Converts the opcode and registers to a machine instruction using bitwise operations.
- Constructs the machine code as a string by appending each instruction.
- Returns: A string representing the machine code.
int main() {
// Display sample input and output
string sampleInput = "ADD R1 R2\nSUB R0 R3\nLOAD R1 R0\nSTORE R2 R1\n";
cout << "Sample Input:\n" << sampleInput;
cout << "\nSample Output:\n" << assemble(sampleInput) << endl;
// Take user input
cout << "Enter your assembly code (type END to finish):\n";
string assemblyCode, line;
while (getline(cin, line)) {
if (line == "END") break;
assemblyCode += line + "\n";
cout << "\nMachine Code:\n" << assemble(assemblyCode) << endl;
return 0;
- main:
- Purpose: Handles the overall execution of the program including input and output.
- Functionality:
- Displays a sample input and its corresponding machine code output.
- Prompts the user to enter their assembly code until they type "END".
- Converts the user input assembly code into machine code using the
function. - Displays the converted machine code.
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
Enter your assembly code (type END to finish):
<user input>
Machine Code:
<converted machine code>
- Explanation: The program first shows a sample input and its corresponding machine code output. It then prompts the user to enter their assembly code and converts it to machine code, displaying the result.