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Annotate Anything

HuggingFace Space Open in Colab Kaggle

Combine the strengths of different models including Tag2Text, Grounding DINO, and Segment Anything in order to build a very powerful pipeline which aims to detect and segment Anything with (or without) text inputs automatically.




Install libraries

Important notes: To install GroundingDINO with GPU, CUDA_HOME environment variable must be set.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download weights


Run Gradio App

gradio run

Command-line options

python -i examples -o outputs --task segment

Annotate anything

Runs automatic detection and mask generation on an input image or directory of images

Flag Description
-h, --help Show help message and exit
--input INPUT, -i INPUT Path to either a single input image or folder of images.
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT Path to the directory where masks will be output. Output will be either a folder of PNGs per image or a single JSON with COCO-style masks.
--sam-type {default,vit_h,vit_l,vit_b} The type of SA model use for segmentation.
--tag2text-type {swin_14m} The type of Tag2Text model use for tags and caption generation.
--dino-type {swinb,swint_ogc} The type of Grounding Dino model use for promptable object detection.
--task {auto,detect,segment} Task to run. Possible values: auto, detect, segment
--prompt PROMPT Detection prompt
--box-threshold BOX_THRESHOLD Box threshold
--text-threshold TEXT_THRESHOLD Text threshold
--iou-threshold IOU_THRESHOLD IoU threshold
--kernel-size {1,2,3,4,5} Kernel size use for smoothing/expanding segment
--expand-mask If True, expanding segment masks for smoother output.masks
--no-save-ann If False, save original image with blended masks and detection boxes. masks.
--save-mask If True, save all intermediate masks.
--device DEVICE The device to run generation on.

Automatic mask generation

Runs automatic mask generation on an input image or directory of images, and outputs masks as either PNGs or COCO-style RLEs. Requires open-cv, as well as pycocotools if saving in RLE format.

Basic settings

Flag Description
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
--input INPUT, -i INPUT Path to either a single input image or folder of images.
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT Path to the directory where masks will be output. Output will be either a folder of PNGs per image or a single JSON with COCO-style masks.
--model-type MODEL_TYPE The type of model to load. Possible values: default, vit_h, vit_l, vit_b.
--checkpoint CHECKPOINT The path to the SAM checkpoint to use for mask generation.
--device DEVICE The device to run generation on.
--convert-to-rle Save masks as COCO RLEs in a single JSON instead of as a folder of PNGs. Requires pycocotools.

AMG settings

Flag Description
--points-per-side POINTS_PER_SIDE Generate masks by sampling a grid over the image with this many points to a side.
--points-per-batch POINTS_PER_BATCH How many input points to process simultaneously in one batch.
--pred-iou-thresh PRED_IOU_THRESH Exclude masks with a predicted score from the model that is lower than this threshold.
--stability-score-thresh STABILITY_SCORE_THRESH Exclude masks with a stability score lower than this threshold.
--stability-score-offset STABILITY_SCORE_OFFSET Larger values perturb the mask more when measuring stability score.
--box-nms-thresh BOX_NMS_THRESH The overlap threshold for excluding a duplicate mask.
--crop-n-layers CROP_N_LAYERS If >0, mask generation is run on smaller crops of the image to generate more masks.
--crop-nms-thresh CROP_NMS_THRESH The overlap threshold for excluding duplicate masks across different crops.
--crop-overlap-ratio CROP_OVERLAP_RATIO Larger numbers mean image crops will overlap more.
--crop-n-points-downscale-factor CROP_N_POINTS_DOWNSCALE_FACTOR The number of points-per-side in each layer of crop is reduced by this factor.
--min-mask-region-area MIN_MASK_REGION_AREA Disconnected mask regions or holes with an area smaller than this value in pixels are removed by post-processing.

Metadata file

The metadata file will contain the following information:

    "image"                 : image_info,
    "annotations"           : [annotation],

image_info {
    "width"                 : int,              # Image width
    "height"                : int,              # Image height
    "file_name"             : str,              # Image filename
    "caption"               : str,              # Image caption
    "tags"                  : [str],            # Image tags

annotation {
    "id"                    : int,              # Annotation id
    "bbox"                  : [x1, y1, x2, y2],     # The box around the mask, in XYXY format
    "area"                  : int,              # The area in pixels of the mask
    "box_area"              : float,            # The area in pixels of the bounding box
    "predicted_iou"         : float,            # The model's own prediction of the mask's quality
    "confidence"            : float,            # A measure of the prediction confidency
    "label"                 : str,              # Predicted class for the object inside the bounding box (if exist)
